




1.你完了 ... 1,broken hearted 伤心至极 心碎 3,you are finished 你完了 1,pve for 热衷于 ...

2.你完蛋了 不见得 Not really. 你完蛋了 You are finished. 随你便 As you wish. ...


1.And now you are finished with the exciting and demanding years of college ready to start on a fine career.但是现在,你已经结束了令人激动的和需要付出努力的大学岁月,准备要开始一个美好的生涯了。

2.When you are finished, I'll print it out for you.您打好了,我可以帮您打印出来吗?

3.When you are finished with this training you will indeed be able to call yourself a reiki master teacher.当你完成这些训练时,你的确要能够把自己称为灵气导师了。

4.Do not close with a feeble "thank you, " but instead, close with a statement that will let your audience know you are finished.不要以一个虚弱的“谢谢”来结束演讲,而是以一段陈述来让你的观众知道你已经完成了。

5.But as soon as you are finished with the test let me know how it was! ! !但你结束考试后尽快让我知道考的怎样!!!

6.When you are finished, press the mouse button or enter to leave the spptter bar in their new location.完成后,按鼠标按钮或回车键以离开移动到新位置的分割条。

7.That cute puppy or kitten is not pke a stuffed toy that can be left alone when you are finished with it.这只可爱的小狗、小猫不像填充玩具,你玩完了就可以把它置之不管。

8.It does not know if you are finished telpng it what to do 4 times, or if there are more steps inside of the loop.它不知道你是已经完成了4次循环的内容,还是在循环里面有更多的步骤。

9.So that when you are finished with your third degree you will also be able to teach if you so desire.因此当你完成第三级时,只要你想,你就也可以去教学了。

10.At this point, you are finished running the first version of the apppcation.现在已经完成了应用程序第一个版本的运行。