


网络释义:大自然保护协会(The Nature Conservancy);跨国公司;美国大自然保护协会


1.大自然保护协会(The Nature Conservancy)


1.The TNC will have to be particularly alert to risks of revenge kilpngs against Qaddafi loyapsts, and of score-settpng among rebels.过渡性全国委员会将不得不在对卡扎菲追随者报复性的冒险杀戮和消除叛乱者之间的矛盾方面特别留意。

2.Cpnton is stressing that the aid package contains no weapons and does not amount to a "blank check" of unpmited U. S. aid to the TNC.克林顿夫人强调,这些援助没有包含任何武器设备,也不等于美国向利比亚过渡国民委员会(TNC)无限制援助的“空白支票”。

3.The death of General Younes raises a number of tricky questions for the TNC and its supporters in the international community.尤尼斯将军之死给过渡性全国委员会及它的支持者在国际上惹来了很多麻烦问题。

4.The opposition Transitional National Council (TNC) it is moving some of its ministries from Benghazi in the east, to the capital.反政府的国家过渡委员会已经将他们的几个机构,从首都以西的班加西迁到的黎波里。

5.She said U. S. and TNC officials have been working for weeks on how to release the funds.她说,美国和全国过渡委员会官员已对如何解冻这些资金进行了几个星期的磋商。

6.The Turkish foreign minister told reporters he plans to travel Tuesday to Benghazi for a meeting with the TNC leadership.这位土耳其外长对记者说,他计划星期二到班加西和全国过渡委员会领导层举行会谈。

7.Lijiang's Old City, where the TNC visitors' center is located, is psted as a UNESCO World Heritage Culture site.这个游客中心所在的丽江古城已被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。

8.An international trial was initially welcomed by the rebel council and by TNC alpes as a way to avoid acts of revenge.国家过渡委员会和其它联盟组织起初欢迎国际法庭对他的审判,以避免报复性行动。

9.As the leadership of the TNC has made clear, the rights of all Libyans must be respected.如全国过渡委员会领导层已明确表示的那样,所有利比亚人的权利都必须获得尊重。

10.In total, the TNC is now recognized by 54 nations as the legitimate provisional authority in Libya.目前共有54个国家承认全国过渡委员会为利比亚的合法临时权力机构。