




1.你可以成为所有你想成的 ... Till the end of time 直到时间尽头 You can be anything you want to be 你可以成为所有你想成的 ...

2.你想怎样就可以怎样al marketing)中借来的修词和用语,像「你想怎样就可以怎样」(You can be anything you want to be)和「我们拥有的同 …


1.You can be anything you want to be. You can even be president of the united states.你想成为什么人就能成为什么人,你甚至可以成为美国总统。

2.You can be anything you want to be in America today provided you have two things: a specific goal and a plan.生活在当今的美国,你完全可以得到想要的一切,只要你拥有两样东西:一个明确的目标,一份具体的计划。

3.I think back to my father, who suffered terrible racism in the south, still bepeving for his son: 'You can be anything you want to be. '我想起自己的父亲,他在南方受到可怕的种族歧视,但仍然给自己的儿子灌输信心:“你有可能成就任何事业”。

4.You can be anything you want to be.你只需要勇敢。就能成就你所想的

5.Sonya Carson smiled, knowing Ben must have just read a book on doctors. "You can be anything you want to be, " she assured him.索妮娅•卡森微微一笑,知道本准是刚读了一本有关医生的书。“心想事成,”她深信不疑地对他说。