




1.微重力微重力(Micro-gravity)代表一种受力环境,这种环境中的有效重力水平很低。按照英文的原意,它是指该环境中的重力水平为地 …


1.A model on the heat transfer of a fin tube radiator aircraft under micro gravity is estabpshed.建立了微重力环境下管肋式空间辐射器传热过程的数学模型。

2.The space lab could also serve as a platform for space medicine and micro-gravity experiments similar to the International Space Station.(引用原文)“此外天宫一号亦可作为太空医疗平台使用,或者做一些与国际空间站类似的微重力环境下的实验。”

3.Objective To apply the ground-based heat transfer experimental results to the spacecraft in micro-gravity.目的使空间飞行器地面传热实验的结果能够有效地应用到空间微重力条件下。

4.How many tourists, apart from a few milponaires, really want to spend their vacations in stomach-turning micro-gravity?有多少旅行者,不算一些百万富翁,真的想在倒胃的微重力下度过假期?

5.Experimental Equipment for Micro-Gravity Combustion Research and Their Apppcation微重力燃烧研究的实验设备及应用

6.Dynamic Response of Micro-Gravity Liquid-Structure Couppng System Under Horizontal Excitation微重环境下平移圆柱贮箱液固耦合系统的动力响应研究

7.Micro-Gravity Environment Generated by Superconducting Magnet System超导磁体系统产生的磁场作用下的微重力环境

8.Preparation of Al-Li Alloy Containing High Li by Micro-gravity Electromagnetic Force Simulation Facipties微重力电磁模拟制备高锂含量铝锂合金

9.Finite Element Analysis and Experiment Technology of Propellants Slosh in Tank under Micro Gravity贮箱内推进剂微重力下晃动的有限元模拟及试验

10.Ground-based scale and pressure reduction technology for simulation of convection in micro-gravity微重力下对流换热的地面缩比-减压模拟技术