




1.你拍一 Chip-chop joe (砍柴的小阿周) You Have One,I Have One 你拍一,我拍一. Big head (大头) ...


1.You have one file cabinet, but there are few pmits as to what and how much you can fit into the file cabinet.虽然只有一个文件柜,但是在其中放什么和放多少没有什么限制。

2.Gee, you have one of the best charts for signing a contract of any of the signs, but it has to be NEXT month!你将拥有最适合达成一致和签署协议的机会,但记住:那是下个月!

3.Would you have one of your fingers surgically removed if it somehow guaranteed immunity from all major diseases?如果切掉一根手指,就能保证你今后不会患上任何重大疾病,你愿意吗?

4.The processes discussed to this point are effective when you have one reviewer at a time.如果一次只有一位审阅人,在此之前讨论的过程是有效的。

5.If you have one of these skills or more, then secondly past work samples related with your skills are required.如果你有一个或多个这些技能,然后其次过去的工作和你的技能相关的样品是必需的。

6.It's both a problem and a blessing: You have one or two very large accounts that make up the bulk of your business.顾客不多也没关系公司收入来自一两个大客户,有好处也有坏处。

7.But, unless you have one of these fancy cars with a GPS, GPS it doesn't tell you which direction you're going.但它不会告诉你它朝那个方向走,除非你的车有。

8.It is recommended that if you have one of these situations, you create a new configuration with a descriptive name to avoid confusion.如果您的情况为上述其中一中,建议您使用描述性名称建立新组态,以避免发生混淆。

9.If it's not moving, you have one more clue that fluid is collecting in the middle ear and that it may be infected.如果耳鼓不动,那么你就又多了一条线索:流体正在中耳聚集,可能已被感染。

10.No, John, I won't be dragged into making popte conversation with the wives, while you have one of your interminable meetings with the men.不,约翰,我不愿被迫与那些女人进行礼貌谈话,而你却和男人们开无体止的会议。