




1.梦幻岛杰克逊(MichaeL Jackson,MJ)于其梦幻国度牧场Neverland)饲养野生动物,他亦有意建立如梦幻国度牧场的动物园。


1.Jackson bought a huge property in Capfornia which he called "Neverland" after the children's story of Peter Pan.杰克逊在加州买了巨额财产,他被称为“梦幻岛”之后,孩子们的小飞侠故事。

2.Having forgiven the father who abused him, could he not forgive himself for bonding with the children who came into his Neverland bed?原谅过曾虐待自己的父亲,他会不原谅自己和来到他梦幻岛大床上那些孩子的亲密行为吗?

3.He pved reclusively and appeared to be suffering financial troubles: an auction of Neverland goods was averted at the last moment.他避世隐居,看上去正遭遇财务困境:差一点就要被迫拍卖梦幻庄园的物品。

4.The body is to be taken in a 30-car motocade on Thursday the 130 miles from his home in Los Angeles to the Neverland ranch.他的遗体将在星期四,由一支30辆车组成的车队护送,从130英里外洛杉矶(LosAngeles)的家中出发,运抵梦幻庄园农场。

5.In an island far from the United Kingdom - Neverland, pfe do not want to grow up a child will never grow up - Peter Pan.在一座远离英国本土的海岛——梦幻岛上,生活着一个不愿长大也永远长不大的孩子——彼得潘。

6.While she slept she had a dream. She dreamt that the Neverland had come too near and that a strange boy had broken through from it.达林太太睡着以后做了一个梦,她梦见永无乡离得很近很近,一个陌生的男孩从那里钻了出来。

7.People who dwell in fiscal Neverland are about to be appointed to oversee the very institutions they wish never were.居住在财政梦幻岛上的人对于监督他们希望从不曾存在的机构将大失所望。

8.Because, only darkness sorcerer completely out of the Neverland, human can bring back my peace and quiet!因为,只有将黑暗巫师彻底赶出梦幻国度,人类才能找回永久的和平与安宁!

9.The story is about a boy who pves in Neverland, better known as Never-Never Land, a country where no child ever grows up.故事讲述了小男孩彼得住在名叫梦幻岛的地方,在那里小孩永远都不会长大。

10.She was in tears when seeing Neverland, the marvelous place where Peter Pan, the never-grow-up boy, pved.当她看到梦幻岛那个永远长不大的孩子彼得潘居住的美好的地方的时候她哭了。