




1.你的骄傲 ... 肉菜市场 » Meat Market 你的骄傲 » Your pride 哦 宝贝 » Oh Baby ...

2.以你为荣 ... 04 Leo Ku - Your Pride 以你为荣 05 Kay Tse - Juk Ying Toi 祝英台 ...

3.你的自傲 ... Are you loving it? 你真的喜欢现在这样吗? Your pride 你的自傲 foopsh pride 愚蠢的自傲 ...


1."I think the more attention you draw to it, the worse it becomes, so it's better just to shut up and swallow your pride, " he said.我想你越是在意那些事,那只会让事情变得更糟,所以还是闭上嘴,咽下那口气吧。

2.Sell a stock or fund at a loss and your pride goes with it, traipng in its wake a stream of regrets about what might have been.卖出赔了钱的股票或基金会让你丧失信心,随后,你对事情本来会怎样怎样会有一连串的遗憾。

3.Just because a former employer may have directed you to the door, however, you can still walk out with your pride intact.以前的雇主指着门让你离开,你可以依然昂首阔步地走出去。

4.Now you're knocking on my door, trying to pick it up and save your pride.现在你来敲我的门,只为重拾你的尊严。

5.So as not to damage your pride, I should not interfere in the matter of left behind children.为了不伤害你们的自尊感,我是不应该管留守儿童的事情。

6.Motherland, I am proud for you, for your pride, we sing beloved country, our great motherland is wilpng to be more prosperous.祖国,我为你骄傲,为你自豪,我们歌唱亲爱的祖国,愿我们伟大的祖国更加繁荣富强。

7.If domestic banks run out of money, emerging markets long ago discovered the cure: swallow your pride and accept foreign money instead.如果国内银行出现资金紧缺,新兴市场在很久以前就已找到了疗方:忍气呑声,接受外来资金。

8.We were not on the same path in the end, and I could not be your pride, even I was unable to lend a hand when you needed me.我们终究不是一条路上的,我成不了你的骄傲,甚至连你需要我帮助的,我也帮不上。

9.Thank you. Perhaps these offences mighe have been overlooked had not your pride been hurt by my scruples abour our relationship.谢谢看来要不是因为我太诚实伤害到你的自尊那这些罪过大概都可以忽视

10.Oh, please. You said that an hour ago. Swallow your pride and pull over to ask for directions!拜托,你一个小时前就这么说。放下身段,停车问路吧。