


美式发音: [jʊə(r)] 英式发音: [jʊə(r)]

short.you are



1.你不在了 ... (baby you re)( 宝贝你)不在了 (you re)( 你)不在了 (baby girl you re)( 我的宝贝女孩你已经)不在了... ...


1.Youre doing a good job steering the boat. Just remember to keep saipng into the wind.你船开得很好。记得保持顺风航行就对了。

2.But he still continued to eat the fruit! Some people who were looking at him shook their heads and said, Youre crazy, man.有人看到他这样子后,就摇摇头说:老兄,你是脑袋坏掉啦?

3.Youre going to go into the ministry so Im going to tell you something, and I suggest you write it down and never ever forget it.他说:你将要进入事奉,我要告诉你,你最好把这些话记下来,永远都不要忘记。

4.But you understand that because you know it for yourself and because youre sincere. And Im happy for you.这个道理你们了解,因为你们自己有体会到,而且你们很诚心,我替你们感到高兴。

5.Youre the brain, and central nervous system of the ship, and your responsibipties include watching over the men in hibernation.你是飞船的大脑,是中枢神经系统,你的职责包含把守冬眠中的宇航员。

6.And if youre not, then hes not going to bring you the goodies that you want so you got to be good enough.若你乱来,他不会送你圣诞礼物,你要当个好人才行。

7.Lagging behind, Speck turned her head and called out to me, "Youre one of us now. "斯帕克落在后面,回头叫我名字说:“现在你是我们自己人了。”

8.Dante: Damn it! You guys totally wrecked my shop! And I havent even named it yet! Youre going to pay for that.但丁:该死旳!伱们这些杂碎完全毁坏了我旳事务所!我还没能来得及给他命名呢!伱们得准备好为此付出相应旳代价。

9.Youre the worst hypocrite in the world, she said, shaking her head back and forth.她说着,一边不停的往返摇着头。

10.when youre fighting one mob and suddenly you get multiple aggro, and you know there nothing you can do about it, youre gonna die.你正在和一个怪物战斗,突然来了另外一个怪物,你很清楚,现在你什么都做不了,等死是唯一可以做的。