




1.我问你一个问题 ... Listen carefully. 听仔细了。 I asked you a question. 我问你一个问题。 B:Sure can. 当然可 …


1.HEROD On what subject? Ah! I asked you a question, did I not? I have forgotten what I would have asked you.谈起什么?啊!我刚才在问你问题,是吗?我忘了要问什么了。

2.Do you remember one year ago I asked you a question through our conversation when you were in hangzhou.你是否还记得?一年前你在杭州,我们聊天的时候,我曾经问过你的问题!

3."I asked you a question, soldier! " bared Graff .“我在问你问题,士兵!”格拉夫厉声说。

4.I remembered I asked you a question last night.记得昨晚问了你一个

5.Ah! I asked you a question did I not. ?难道我没有问过你吗?

6.I asked you a question. - Run!我在问你问题呢-快跑!

7.I asked you a question and you didn't answer.我问了你一个问题,但你没有回答。

8.I asked you a question and you didn't reply.我问你一个问题,而你不回答。

9.I was talking about the weather. I asked you a question. How do you pke this weather?我刚刚在谈论天气。我问你一个问题。你觉得这个天气如何?

10.Oh, so that is what it is! I asked you a question!哦,原来如此!那我就问你一个问题好了!