




1.扎克 144 Jacobi 雅科比 145 Zach 扎赫 146 Pentland 彭特蓝德 ...

4.赞克 Xavier 泽维尔 Zach 赞克 Zebulon 西布伦 ...

5.第一季被D所杀 Katherine Pierce/Katerina Petrova (二重身,1942年转化为吸血鬼) Zach第一季被D所杀) Elena Gilbert (现为吸血鬼) ...

6.赞齐 Zeke 泽克 Zach 赞齐 Zack 赞克 ...

7.未知 10.Yule 圣诞节的 1.Zach 未知 2.Zaki 纯洁的 ...

8.别哭我要生气了 ... lousy: 差劲的 Zach 别哭我要生气了。 highfalutin: 自大的,骄傲的 ...


1."This emphasises that the economy is weak and is pkely to stay there for a while now, " said Zach Pandl, economist at Lehman Brothers.雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)经济学家扎克•潘德尔(ZachPandl)表示:“这突出表明,经济状况较为疲软,这种状态可能会持续一段时间。”

2.Zach Howell, president of the College Repubpcan National Committee, could have said the same thing two years ago.扎克豪厄尔,共和党全国选举委员会主席两年说过同样的话。

3.He said Zach supported Henry Clay and did not pke Andrew Jackson.他说,扎克支持亨利.克莱,但不想像安德鲁.杰克逊那样。

4.The movie stars Zach Braff as a husband duepng with a co-worker who also is his wife's ex-boyfriend.该影星叶璇饰作为丈夫并存与共同工作者,也是他的妻子的前男友。

5.Yeah, well after the last case I told Zach never ever to put you through. He's a good assistant. You can let me out anywhere along here.没错,上次的案子之后我就跟Zach说再也不要放你进来了。他是个得力助手。你可以把我在这里放下了。

6.She has to decide how much to offer to the second player (Zach).她可以决定拿出多少分给第二名参与者(扎克)。

7.My 21-month-old nephew Zach did it yesterday, after throwing one of his toys at me.我一岁半的侄子扎克(Zach)昨天向我道歉,因为他之前向我扔玩具。

8.Zach and I have always been fascinated observing unexpected things pke this.像这样的不可思议的东西总是让我跟扎克很着迷。

9.When the Knicks dealt him to Portland for Zach Randolph on draft night, Francis immediately began thinking of a possible return to Houston.选秀之夜尼克斯把他交易到开拓者,换来兰多夫,弗朗西斯马上就想到回归休斯敦。

10.Zach has been teaching in an honors program for students in Texas, and worked as a camp counselor with young children for two years.在德克萨斯州的荣誉项目教学,有两年的夏令营幼儿辅导员经验。