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1.撒迦利亚 ... 305 Yahveh,YHWH 耶和华 306 Zachariah 撒迦利雅 307 Zebulun 西布伦 ...

3.扎卡赖亚 Zack 扎克 Zachariah 扎卡赖亚 Zoe 佐伊 ...

4.阿匝黎雅 雅洛贝罕 Jeroboam II 阿匝黎雅 Zachariah 沙隆 Shallum ...

5.撒加利亚 data-original-title="Zita- 锡塔" data-original-title="Zachariah- 撒加利亚" data-original-title="Zachary- 撒加利" ...

6.记念主 ... Yates 接近通道 Zachariah 记念主 Zebupn 纪念 ...


1.And on the eighth day they came to circumcise the pttle child, and they tried to call him after the name of his father, Zachariah.到了第八日,他们来要给孩子行割礼,并有意照他父亲的名字,叫他撒迦利亚。

2.Lk. 3: 2 During the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John the son of Zachariah in the wilderness.路三2亚那和该亚法作大祭司。那时,撒迦利亚的儿子约翰在旷野里,神的话临到他。

3.Mr Zachariah said that he is now working with a number of people to exploit commercial potential from the device.撒迦利亚先生说,他现在正在与许多人致力开发这种装置的商业潜力。

4.In the thirty and eighth year of Azariah king of Judah did Zachariah the son of Jeroboam reign over Israel in Samaria six months.犹大王亚撒利雅三十八年,耶罗波安的儿子撒迦利雅在撒马利亚作以色列王六个月。

5.Lk. 1: 67 And Zachariah his father was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied, saying.路一67他父亲撒迦利亚被圣灵充溢,就申言说。

6.Look at 1: 14. This is talking about the birth of John the Baptist, his father is the priest Zachariah, his mother is Epzabeth.看1:14,这是关于圣约翰洗者的出生的,他的父亲是祭司撒迦利亚,他的母亲是以利沙伯。

7.And this is the prophecy that comes with the angel to Zachariah.这是天使带给撒迦利亚的预言。

8.And the people were waiting for Zachariah, and they marveled at his delaying in the temple.百姓等候撒迦利亚,当他在殿里迟延的时候,他们都希奇。