


网络释义:藏王;锌铝;掺铝氧化锌(zinc aluminium oxide)


1.藏王 ... ) Aluminium-doped Zinc Oxide Whisker 铝掺杂氧化锌晶须 ) ZAO 掺铝氧化锌 ) doped zinc oxide 掺杂氧化锌 ...

4.走 年轻人 先生 sin se -- zao -- 跑 跑步 pao bou -- ...

5.藏王自助游指南 时候 shi2hou - Time 早上 zao3shang - Morning 晚上 wan3shang - Evening ...


1.There're many departments for forging official ones. Qing Gong Zao is one of them, and is the greatest one.官造的部门有许多,清宫造办处就是其一,也是最牛逼的。

2.Of nature in'long term, which originated in the Tang Dynasty painter Zhang Zao made 'nature outside, in the heart of the source'.‘师造化’一词由来已久,它源于唐代画家张璪所提出的‘外师造化,中得心源’。

3.We still call her "Zao Zao" most of the time. We also call her "Jadie" or "Jadie Zao" so she continues to hear her name.大多时候我们还是叫她“早早”,也叫她“詹蒂”或是“詹蒂•早”,所以她以前的名字还是在用的。

4.Da zao can increase the oxygen content of the body, nourish the cells. It is a mild tonic.大枣能使血中含氧量增强,滋养全身细胞,是一种药效缓和的强壮剂。

5.ConclusionFu-Ke-Zai-Zao Pill can inhibit tyrosinase activity, which maybe the mechanism that make it vapd in treating skin pigmentation.结论妇科再造丸对体外酪氨酸酶活性有抑制作用,提示妇科再造丸对皮肤色素沉着可能有一定的治疗效果。

6.This paper attempts to discuss the similarities and differences of "zao" as complement of result, complement of stative and Adverbial.本文从形式、语义、语用的角度区分“旱”作结果补语、状态补语、状语的异同。

7.The large mond grave existing in "upper, medium, and lower" Zao are the testimonies of ancient Yue culture.“上、中、下”三灶一带现存的大型土墩墓群无一不是古越文化的见证。

8.The ZAO thin film has attracted much attention as its excellent optical , electrical and gas sensitive properties.ZAO薄膜由于自身优良的光学、电学及气敏特性而备受人们青睐。

9.The breeding and apppcation of an early-maturing fragrant rice, Zao-xiang No.早熟香稻早香一号的选育及应用。

10.That's a lucky fruit called hong zao! People say that if you eat them, you will have your first son very soon!这个幸运的水果叫做红枣!大家说吃了会早生贵子!