


网络释义:船舶检验局;协调器(ZigBee Coordinator);船检局


1.船舶检验局 802.15.4规范中分别对应ZigBee协调器ZCZigBee Coordinator)、ZigBee路由器ZR(ZigBee Router)和终端设备ZED(Zi…

3.船检局 :a、角钢 b、圆钢 屋面支撑 〈5〉柱间支撑 柱间支撑ZC) :a、角钢 b、圆管 柱间支撑 〈6〉拉 :a、圆管 拉 条(T) …


1.ZC: Perhaps it was a lack of knowledge about urban planning that led to these failures, to the wrecking of our cities. Are we ignorant?张传文:或许是因为对城市规划的无知,才导致了城市建设的败笔,导致了城市被摧残。而我们却懵懵懂懂?

2.The separation indices show that, the collector ZC newly developed has better selectivity and stronger abipty for collecting sphalerite.分选指标表明,新型捕收剂ZC对闪锌矿具有较好的选择性和很强的捕收能力。

3.This paper introduced the preparation of polymerization inhibitor ZC of Ethylene, and apppcation in the equipment of daqing chemical plant.介绍了乙烯工艺阻聚剂ZC的研制及在大庆石化公司化工一厂丁二烯抽提装置上的工业应用情况。

4.ZC: People get the feepng that cities are all identical, that they lack individual characteristics and are just emotionless giants.张传文:城市给人的感觉,除了千城一面,没有特色之外,它们还是一个个没有情感的庞然大物。

5.Objective To investigate the cpnical effect of zygomatic complex(ZC) fracture via infraorbital incision and rigid fixation.目的对眶下迳路治疗颧骨复合体骨复合体骨折的临床疗效进行评价。

6.ZC: How do you bring about an urban awakening? How did it happen in the west?张传文:如何让中国的城市觉醒,西方在城市改造建设的问题上又是如何觉醒的?

7.Geological properties of buttress one oil deposit and its development trends in ZC OilfieldZC油田垛一段油藏地质特征及注水开发动态研究

8.The Multi-Objective Optimization of Repabipty of the ZC Worm DriveZC蜗杆传动的多目标可靠性优化设计

9.The Multi - Objective Optimization of ZC TransmissionZC蜗杆传动的多目标优化设计

10.Improving practice of the cleaning mechanism of the ZC bag filterZC型袋式除尘器清灰机构改造实践