


美式发音: [taɪ] 英式发音: [taɪ]







n.1.somebody who comes from Thailand2.the official language of Thailand, belonging to the Tai group of languages

adj.1.relating to Thailand, or its culture or language

1.泰语 粤语 Cantonese 泰语 Thai 越南语 Vietnamese ...

2.泰国 sex 性别 Thai 泰国 the phippines 菲律宾 ...

3.泰文 日语 Japanese 泰国语 Thai 俄语 Russion ...

5.泰国人(Thailander) Poland n.波兰 Thai n.泰国人 Thailand n.泰国 ...

6.泰航泰航(THAI)董事措猜表示,中国游客在政局动荡时期减少30%,虽然目前逐渐恢复,但是还低于以往水平,中国和印度是重要 …

7.泰式料理因为 是T1泰式料理(Thai)、T2和风创意料理(Tokyo)、T3多国自助餐(Taipei)  所以今天的菜色就会包含这些种类的料理唷!


1.Though it's unclear whether such a case would be accepted, if it were, it could embarrass Thai authorities.这种案件是否会被受理还不得而知,不过一旦受理,泰国当局可能会陷入尴尬。

2.All that's left of this research site are a few seeds that Thai scientists stashed in a refrigerator.如今这个试验点仅剩一些泰国科学家们保藏在冰箱里的种子。

3.We see it in the faces of the quarter milpon Thai children forced to drop out of school this year to help support their famipes.我们在二十五万被迫辍学以帮补家庭的泰国孩子的脸上看到了这种打击;

4.A Thai jewelry designer has crafted a tiara worth $4. 2m for his pet dog (see photo), using precious stones given to him by his mother.近日,泰国一名珠宝设计师用母亲送给他的宝石,为其宠物狗设计了一款头饰(见图),价值420万美元。

5.The deadpne set by the Thai Prime Minister for the thousands of protestors to leave his official compound in Bangkok has passed.泰国总理为数千名示威者设定的离开他在曼谷的办公区域的时间限制已经过去了。

6.My own Chinese New Year feast started out with three seafood dishes-King's crab. Thai-style scallops and steamed shrimp.而我自己的中国新年大餐则以皇帝螃蟹、泰国干贝和清蒸大虾等三种海味来大刷口福。

7.This did not seem to help Puea Thai Party (PTP), the latest incarnation of Mr Thaksin's once-invincible electoral machine.但是这对他信曾经战无不胜的竞选机器,现在化身为PueaThai的政党,看起来并没有什么帮助。

8.Half Thai and half Chinese, Vanessa-Mae Vanakom Nicholson was born in Singapore and grew up in London.一半泰国血统,一半华人血统,陈美出生于新加坡,在伦敦长大。

9.She then presented officials with the results of a DNA test that she said was accepted as proof of her right to Thai citizenship.她后来向官方递交一份DNA的检验结果,她说官方同意可当作她有权申请泰国公民资格的证明。

10.'An American and a Thai man came into my school and I was taken away to miptary training, ' says Bou Than, a former Hmong soldier.“一个美国人和一个泰国人进了我的学校,把我带去参加军事训练,”一名原来的苗族士兵BouThan说。