





3.杰尼亚公司 杰尼亚 Ermenegildo Zegna 杰尼亚集团 Zegna 香奈儿 Chanel ...

5.杰尼亚香水 Versace 范思哲 Zegna 杰尼亚香水 D&G 杜嘉班纳 ...

6.精品皮带 UBIQ 新款鞋子 Zegna 精品皮带 CASIO 卡西欧 ...

7.杰尼亚皮带 Bally/ 巴利钱包 zegna/ 杰尼亚皮带 BALLY/ 巴利皮带 ...


1.With a Milan menswear collection inspired by desert colors and by the travepng man, Mr. Zegna laid out his credo for sustainable growth.通过从戈壁黄沙和旅行家中获得灵感的米兰时装周男装展示,杰尼亚先生也表达了他对公司持续发展的信条。

2.'If you come late, you pay, ' he said, adding that landlords get a cut of sales and have been happy to work with Zegna.如果你来得晚了,就要付出代价,杰尼亚如是说。同时他还强调,房东可以从销售额中抽取一定份额,而且与杰尼亚公司的合作也很愉快。

3.Mr Zegna and his cousin Paolo, the company's chairman, have been building on their fathers' decision to expand beyond weaving cloth.杰尼亚和他的表弟保罗,同时也是公司的主席,已经落实了他们父辈的决定----扩张产品线,也不仅仅只是局限于生产机织服饰。

4.Ermenegildo Zegna, the Itapan menswear designer, was one of the first luxury brands to enter the country more than 15 years ago.意大利男装品牌杰尼亚(ErmenegildoZegna)是15年前首批进入中国的奢侈品品牌之一。

5.Ermenegildo Zegna founded his eponymous men's wear brand in 1910; today the company is run by his grandson Gildo.埃麦尼吉尔多•杰尼亚(ErmenegildoZegna)于1910年创立同名男装品牌,如今该公司由他的孙子古尔多掌管。

6.He was impressed by the super big shopping malls and spent nearly S$2000 buying himself a pair of Emergildo Zegna T-shirt and jeans.超级购物广场给他留下很深的印象,他花了2000美元买了一件“杰尼亚”牌的T恤衫和一条牛仔裤。

7.BIELLA, in north-west Italy, is the centre of a cluster of wool manufacturers and the home of Ermenegildo Zegna, a luxury clothing brand.位于意大利西北部的比耶拉是羊毛加工厂的中心,也是奢侈服装品牌杰尼亚的原产地。

8.Zegna also has a niche upmarket women's brand called Agnona which it acquired in 1999, but has no big plans to expand it.杰尼亚旗下也还有一个小型高端女装品牌----Agnona,这个品牌由杰尼亚于1999年收购,但是杰尼亚没有扩张这个品牌的宏伟计划。

9.As Zegna found, China was first a big market for menswear, as men have the buying power, but is slowly evolving into a womenswear market.杰尼亚发现,中国最初是一个巨大的男装市场,因为男性具有购买力;但后来却慢慢发展成为女装市场。

10.Zegna's chief designer Alessandro Sartori agreed: "Milan is where we were born and Shanghai is where our future pes. "杰尼亚的首席设计师亚历山德罗·萨托利(AlessandroSartori)也表示赞同:“米兰是我们出生之地,上海是我们的未来所在。”