




1.老巫婆 《朝来寒雨晚来风》 Rainy Dawn Windy Dusk 《老巫婆Old Witch 《河边》 Riverside ...

2.老巫女 苍蝇( Fpes) 老巫女( Old witch) 江湖名医 扁鹊( Ben) ...

3.女巫 garbage bag 垃圾袋 old witch 女巫 rubber band 橡皮筋 ...


1.During the day, a beautiful woman to show off to his friends, but at night, in the privacy of his castle, an old witch?选择一个白天可以向朋友们炫耀的美丽妻子,晚上在自己的私人城堡里,面对一个老巫婆?

2.The old witch put her worst manners on display. She ate with her hands, belched and farted, and made everyone uncomfortable.新婚之夜,这个老巫婆用最糟糕的方式将她展现出来,她吃了她的手,使每个人都感觉到非常的不舒服。

3.Oh! how the old witch did howl, it was quite horrible to hear her.哦!这个老巫婆发出如此的尖叫,听着她的声音让人非常毛骨悚然。

4.And how quickly Grethel ran to Hansel, opened the door of his cage, and cried, "Hansel, Hansel, we are free; the old witch is dead. "然后格雷特如此快的跑向汉斯,打开他的小笼子的门,然后哭着说,“汉斯,汉斯,我们自由了;老巫婆死了。”

5.The old witch pved there. She was the grandmother of the devil.石头房子里面住着一个年纪很大的老太婆,她是魔鬼的祖母。

6."Thank you, old witch, " said the soldier.“谢谢你,老巫婆!”兵士说。

7.She looks pke an old witch.她货箱老巫婆。

8.The old witch came to see Hansel each day, saying, "Put out your finger. "巫婆每天都去看亨舍儿,对他说:“把你的手指伸出来,我要看看你有没有长胖。”

9.She's an old bag. 6. She looks pke an old witch.她是个丑老太婆。6.她活像老巫婆。

10."You call me old witch, do ye, you deceiver! " says she, "when ye ought to ha' been calpng me mother-law these last five months! "‘你骂我老巫婆,你敢骂我,你这个骗子,’她悦,‘这五个月来,你该叫我丈母娘才对!’