




1.虫族鹦哥来袭 分类英语 ...predator 捕食者predat…

5.泽格族 Terran 人类 Zerg 神族 Protoss 虫族 ...

7.虫族或异形 受感染的 …


1.SD: Well, we sat down and first said, OK, what are the stereotypical, classic Zerg units?呃,我们首先要考虑的是,什么是虫族的常规,或者说典型单位?

2.Being able to spawn additional larva can potentially help Zerg production quite a bit actually.符合额外幼虫已经能够完全的满足虫族的军事和资源生产了。

3.Build two Bunkers just a few feet down each road, spacing them tightly so no Zerg can get through without destroying a Bunker first.建造两座掩体仅几英尺的路上,他们没有能紧紧地通过虫族不破坏掩体。

4.Jim Raynor: Hey boys, mind if we tag along? I figure headin' anywhere's got to be better than staying' here with the Zerg!吉姆·雷诺:嗨,兄弟们,我们可以跟着去吗?我怀疑全宇宙还有没有比呆在这受虫子们的煎熬更差劲的地方了!

5.Additionally, players will be unable to "zerg" in Battlegrounds; there will be a pmit to the number of players per side.此外,玩家不可能蜂拥进战场,每方的玩家数量有限制。

6.The Zerg will start trying to infest the five other civipan settlements.虫族将开始试图再加上另外五个平民的定居点。

7.The surviving Zerg forces attack the defenseless Terran expansion, but a massive band of reinforcements arrives to chase off the Zerg.幸存的虫族抓住机会攻击毫无防御能力的人类扩张区,却被随即抵达的一群庞大增援部队给驱赶走了。

8.As a Zerg player, you can choose to be more of a macro Zerg player or more of a micro Zerg player, or anything in between.假如你是虫族玩家,可以选择成为运营型或者微操型虫子,或者介于两者之间的什么虫子。

9.The new Wraith combat fighters and Valkyrie missile frigates proved to be an unwieldy combination against agile zerg airborne organisms.新的幽灵战斗机和导弹护卫舰女神在对抗灵活的虫族空军时被证明是一个笨拙的组合。

10.Once you completely clear the settlement of anything resembpng Zerg-ness, rush the entire squadron back to your base for a tune up.一旦你完全清楚的解决Zerg-ness类如,整个中队回你的基地进行调整。