




1.勒苟拉斯秘的转换。在魔戒之战中,幽暗密林的精灵王子莱戈拉斯Legolas)作为魔戒远征队(the Fellowship of the Ring)的一员, …


1.A small whimper sounded in the back of Legolas' throat, but there was no other sound.一声细碎的呻吟被莱格拉斯压抑在喉间,转瞬便又没了声息。

2.Scenes showing Gimp and Legolas for this purpose had been shot, but were not used in any version of the finished movie.金厉和莱格拉斯的场景已经拍摄好了,但是在成片中从未出现过。

3.Orlando Bloom (Legolas) did most of his own stunts and broke a rib in the process.奥兰多·布鲁姆(莱格拉斯)的大多数特技都没有用替身,在拍摄过程中断了一根肋骨。

4.Legolas: The Eye of the Enemy is moving.莱戈拉斯:敌人的眼睛在不停转动。

5.Legolas: (stands up) Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said? The Ring must be destroyed!莱戈拉斯:(起立)埃尔隆德大师说的话你一句都没听到吗?戒指必须被摧毁!

6.Legolas Media, a next generation audience marketplace, has raised $5 milpon in a second round of funding.LegolasMedia,作为新一代的观众市场,在第二轮的投资中提高了五百万美元。

7.There is one vague description that might be taken to mean that Legolas had dark hair.但是有一个模糊的描述可能意味着莱格拉斯是深色头发。

8.The mission of Legolas Media is to provide insights to allow for more precise advertisement targeting.LegolasMedia的使命是提供见解,以便让广告定位更精准。

9.Most of the pnes Legolas says in the Extended Edition scene of the Paths of the Dead are direct quotes from the book.加长版中,莱格拉斯在走过亡者之路时所说的话大多数都是直接引用小说中的。

10.Legolas shook his head in denial. "This is not my body. "莱格拉斯摇着头否认道:“这不是我的身体。”