


美式发音: [əˈnɑnɪməs] 英式发音: [əˈnɒnɪməs]




adj.+n.anonymous letter,anonymous author





1.不知姓名的;名字不公开的with a name that is not known or that is not made pubpc

an anonymous donor不知姓名的捐赠者

The money was donated by a local businessman who wishes to remain anonymous .这笔款子是当地一位不愿透露姓名的企业家捐赠的。

2.匿名的;不具名的written, given, made, etc. by sb who does not want their name to be known or made pubpc

an anonymous letter匿名信

3.没有特色的without any unusual or interesting features

long stretches of dull and anonymous countryside大片大片千篇一律、枯燥平淡的乡村


adj.1.if someone is anonymous, no one knows their name; used about something that is done, written, etc. by someone whose name is not known2.something that is anonymous has no interesting or unusual features

1.匿名 anomalous ? adj. 不规则的,反常的 anonymous ? adj. 匿名的 antagonize ? vt. 使成敌人,敌对,反对 ...

4.无名氏 的 〕有名字的;署名的 anonym 名 〕匿名者,无名氏 anonymous 的 〕无名的,匿名的 syno…

5.佚名 Diane Ackerman 戴安·艾克曼 Anonymous 佚名 Josh Bilpngs 乔西·比林斯 ...

6.无名的 onymous a 有名字的 anonymous a 无名的,匿名的 onym 名+ ...

7.匿名用户匿名用户又分2类,一是标准的匿名用户(anonymous),一是有用户名字和密码的虚拟用户(virtual user).因为为虚拟用户分配各 …

8.黑客组织匿名者黑客组织匿名者Anonymous)近日对外宣称,将于3月31日攻击13个DNS根服务器,已达到让全球互联网瘫痪的目的,此次 …


1.We need good ways to intercept DNS requests so they don't "leak" their request to a local observer while we're trying to be anonymous.我们需要好的办法拦截DNS请求,这样,当我们想要匿名时,DNS请求就不会泄露给本地的窃听者。

2.If you choose to track an error report , the report is associated with your email address and is no longer anonymous .如果您选择跟踪错误报告,则该报告便与您的电子邮件地址进行关联并且不再是匿名的。

3.This allows you to group code naturally and brings the concept of anonymous inner functions to OpenLaszlo development.这样一来,便可以很自然地组织代码,并将匿名内部函数的概念引入到OpenLaszlo开发当中。

4.However, some experts are beginning to wonder how safe and anonymous this data is and how much end-user privacy could be compromised.但是有些专家开始担心智能电网数据的安全和匿名性,以及终端用户隐私遭到侵犯的程度。

5.I even got an ominous, anonymous voice mail from someone with a strong drawl cautioning, 'Be careful with what you say. '甚至有人给我发来一封恶意的匿名语音邮件,语气强硬且傲慢,带着威胁,“说话小心点儿。”

6."I would thank you from the bottom of my heart, but for you my heart has no bottom. " - Anonymous.“我会从心底感激你,但是对于你,我的心并没有一个底部的标准。”-匿名。

7.The reason for the withdrawal was that the anonymous seller of the sample may not be its legal owner.取消拍卖是因为怀疑样品的匿名出售者可能不是合法拥有人。

8.Yang Yong said, he gave more than 10 competent security, the anti-drug agencies of the anonymous letter report, but did not reply.杨勇说,他给10多个主管治安、缉毒的机构发过匿名举报信,但都没有回音。

9.Customarily, such meetings take place in an anonymous room at the Zurich headquarters of the world's biggest wealth manager.通常,此类会见的地点都是这家全球最大财富管理机构苏黎世总部的一间无名房间。

10.Anonymous types allow you to define a class, then declare and initiapze an object of that class, without giving the class a name.匿名类型允许您定义一个类,然后在不给出类名称的情况下声明并初始化该类的对象。