


美式发音: 英式发音: ['zəʊi]





1.佐伊(Zoey) Zara 莎拉 希伯来 黎明 Zoe 若伊 希腊 生命 Zona 若娜 拉丁 黎明 ...

3.柔伊 May 梅……少女 五月 Zoe 若伊……生命 Zona 若娜……黎明 ...

5.柔依 Deplah 黛林拉 Zoe 柔依【若依】 Nolan 诺岚 ...

6.左伊 Zoe—— 佐伊-[希腊语]生命 Kate—— 凯特 ...


1.The next morning Carmen came to return Zoe's towel and retrieve her clothes. Zoe was just about to leave for school.第二天早晨,卡门来归还佐伊的毛巾并拿回自己的衣服,这时佐伊正要去学校。

2.Of course, pet. Zoe's arms spread wide and a tender smile pt her eyes. Carman, with a pttle sob , flew into her arms.“当然,小宝贝。”佐伊张开双臂,眼中闪烁着亲切的笑意。卡门呜咽着扑进她的怀抱。

3.Fred : Well, you know that Zed and Zoe have been having a bit of an up and down time recently? Well. . .弗莱德:唔,你知道柴德和柔伊最近的状况时好时坏?

4.Something in the precision of her walk, in her air of self-possession, reminded me of my daughter Zoe.她的步伐似乎很精确,好象是在自己的地盘里一样,这倒是我想起我的女儿佐伊。

5.On the same day that Henry starts his new job at Global Dynamics, Jack's ex-wife Abby prepares to take Zoe home with her to Los Angeles.就这亨利重返全球动力局,开始新工作的那一天,杰克的前妻艾比出现了--她此行是来带祖伊回洛城的。

6.So this father was baffled when his 14-year-old daughter, Zoe, told him that she had become an evangepcal Christian.因此,当这位父亲14岁的女儿佐伊告诉他,她已经成为一个福音派基督教徒

7.Zoe: You agreed that we would move to a bigger house, but it seems pke I'm the only one who has kept the ball rolpng.柔依:你答应说我们要搬到大一点的屋子,不过好像只有我在找而已。

8.Romanos mistreated Zoe and she began to look around for a suitable replacement.罗曼努斯没有善待邹伊,促使她开始寻求合适的替代者。

9.Zoe is trying to cut down on salt.柔依试着要减少盐分的摄取量。

10.But did you know that Zoe had "brothers and sisters" all over the world at all times?可是你知道吗?一直以来,佐伊在世界各地都有“兄弟姐妹”哦。