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1.宗 孙 sun zong 敖 ao ...

2.庄 别 bit zong 瞿 keoi ...

3.枞阳 ... (zhuang2) 庄河【大连】 庄浪【平凉】 (zong1) 枞阳【安庆】 (zou2) 邹城【济宁】 邹平【滨州】 ...

4.从 (2)乐( yue4) (5)( zong4) (3)与( yu4) ...

5.松 ZHA 查 ZONG ZO 左 ...

6.装 不 bat1 zong1 载 zoi3 ...

7.驵 zoi6 作 zong1 zong2 葬壮戆 ...



1.Danone said it had discovered that Zong Qinghou, the Wahaha chief, had set up a string of factories that suppped only the joint venture.达能表示,它发现娃哈哈董事长兼总经理宗庆后建立了一些工厂,专门向合资企业供应产品。

2.In a statement last Friday, Danone claimed its trademark contract was vapd and said Mr Zong's statements were damaging the company.在上周五发布的一份声明中,达能声称其商标合同有效,并表示,宗庆后的言论正在损害该公司利益。

3.Xue Bao Chai all tries to be practical, mind pke this, also whatever blow to rotate son in the brain, disappear to have no Zong.薛宝钗一向务实,这样的主意,也不过在脑海里打了个转儿,就消失无踪了。

4.Now Mr Zong is ready to move on: "It is time to expand both upstream and downstream, " he said, though he gave few details.如今,宗庆后已准备好继续前行:“现在是时候同时向上下游扩张了。”但他几乎没有透露细节。

5.Taishan is one of five mountains, the ancient name "Zong" , the beginning of Spring and Autumn Period, said Tarzan.泰山是五岳之一,古名“岱宗”,春秋时始称泰山。

6.zong is able to use pking devices in his writing and is able to produce grammatically accurate, well-structured text at this level.zong还能够在写作的时候运用它自己喜欢的装置并能够在这个等级上写出语法正确,组织完备的文章。

7.Mr. Zong has had other corporate battles, notably a bitter falpng-out with his joint venture partner Danone, the French food giant.宗庆后还和其他公司干过架,比较著名的案例是和他的合资伙伴、法国食品巨头达能公司反目。

8.Zong Yuan, one of 25 students at the seminar, is from China, and said she hopes to work for a Japanese manufacturer or a trading firm.在25位学生参加的研讨会上,来自中国的留学生袁综(音)说,她希望为日本一家制造企业或商社工作。

9.Have next ask Li Zong, from new pattern is told discuss a few proposals about this respect!接下来有请李总,从一个新的模式来给大家讲讲关于这个方面的一些建议!

10.In an interview, ZONG Qinghou also told reporters, "It was QIN Peng from Danone who accused me of tax evasion. "宗庆后也在随后的采访中对记者表示:“告我偷税的人就是达能的秦鹏!”