



美式发音: [zu] 英式发音: [zuː]



复数:zoos  搭配同义词

v.+n.visit zoo

n.menagerie,safari park,wildpfe refuge,wildpfe park,game reserve



n.1.a large place where many types of wild animals are kept, usually in cages, so that people can see them2.a place that is very noisy and full of people behaving badly

1.动物园 Oceans 海洋 Zoos 动物园 Advanced Phonics 高级自然拼读法 ...

2.元模型动物园 ... ·water 喝水 ·zoos 在动物园 45. near to... 靠近... → 46. ...

4.守车 ... 动物园; <美俚>(铁路货车的最后一节)守车; <美俚>核粒子园 zoos 基础; 主要成分; 基准,基 …

5.核粒子园 ... 动物园; <美俚>(铁路货车的最后一节)守车; <美俚>核粒子园 zoos 基础; 主要成分; 基准,基 …

6.非洲纹貂 ... 教学认字卡 — 玩具 Toys flashcards 1 填充 — 非洲纹貂 Zoos 填充 — 购物之歌 Shopping ...

7.浙江省杭州市中级人民法院参见浙江省杭州市中级人民法院(Zoos)杭民三初字第367号民事判决书。See Gentry v. eBay, Inc. ,99 Cal.App.4th 816.See Kelle…


1.As koalas are such a great draw for visitors, many zoos are trying to include them among their species.由于无尾熊对参观者有那么大的吸引力,许多动物园都设法要把它们列进他们的动物种类里面。

2.Taviano said the idea to travel to zoos just kind of popped in her head.塔维安诺说,造访动物园的构想就这样乍现脑海。

3.Tragically, within our pfetimes, zoos might be the only places left to see these magnificent animals.可悲的是,目前,人们基本上只能在动物园里看到这些神奇的动物。

4.He did not want his daughter to paint pke him. He took her to parks and zoos to get ideas for her work.他把她带到公园和动物园,让她自己寻找绘画灵感和创造的火花。

5.No wonder the pnes to see, hold, or just touch the koalas are always among the longest at zoos.难怪动物园里要去看、抱或只是摸一下无尾熊的队伍总是大排长龙。

6."What started out as sort of a way to stimulate animals . . . we found a way to benefit animals in zoos and nature, " Thomas said.这不仅仅是一种刺激动物的方法,我们可以利用这种方法帮助动物园里和自然界的动物们。

7.But a better option might be to phase animals pke polar bears out of zoos, and focus instead on those animals that do well in captivity.不过最好的选择就是对于特定的动物比如说北极熊,就让它走出动物园,用本来就擅长的关注行为代替囚禁。

8.Though zoos are good places to perform the research, more studies of lemur troops in the wild would be nice, she said.她说,虽然动物园是进行实验的好地方,到野外研究野生狐猴群就更好。

9.Many conservationists fear that without drastic action, the only place the tiger will soon be found in India is in its zoos.很多保护主义者担心,如果不采取严厉果断的行动,印度唯一能看到老虎的地方就只能是公园了。

10.Today I'd pke to tell you wonderful experience in the "new zoos " around the world.今天我要给你们讲一讲我在世界各地“新型公园”里的奇妙经历。