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1.坐 zuò 座 zuò ...

2.钻 15、转 ①② zhuàn 18、 ①② zuàn 19、柞 ①② zhà ...

3.罪 (chè 四声撤):分裂也。 (zuì )时:一昼夜时间。 (chāi 钗):病势减轻的意 …

4.浙江大学(Zhejiang University) 发评论 最适合调情西班 …

6.小剑客生快啦这是贺【我赶在了0点之前()】小剑客生快啦这是贺zu)礼(zhou)【 予风眠 (';°;e;°;)道个歉啊窝………………真的不知道该涂啥 …


1.The monarch was called Zu Yi, and is often the weather situation for the unexpected cause for worry.当时的国君叫祖乙,也常为天气风云的不测感到苦恼。

2.Shine on her to see, this king accepts Zu to compare quilt hand the handle knob teaches out of Xu Si Zhun will talk, behaviour.照她看来,这个王承祖可比被人手把手教出来的徐嗣谆都会说话、行事。

3.Zu-Li Yuan took gorgeous cake box, took out a round cake, laughing refers to the air the moon said: "The cake should be invited Hu toad. "高祖李渊接过华丽的饼盒,拿出圆饼,笑指空中明月说:“应将胡饼邀蟾蜍”。

4.Ten thousand years after know, take sundial and water clock to see an emperor, speak to Zu B pure the sun and moon circulate of truth.万年知道后,就带着日晷和漏壶去见皇上,对祖乙讲清了日月运行的道理。

5.Mr zu Guttenberg has done one big thing: ending conscription, which had been a bulwark of Germany's post-war order.另外,古滕贝格还做了一件大事:结束征兵制度,这个曾经是德国战后秩序的一个壁垒。

6.Mrs Merkel had tried to defend Mr zu Guttenberg, saying that she had hired a minister, "not a research assistant" .默克尔曾试图为古滕贝格辩护,声称自己招募的是一名部长,而非一名“研究助手”。

7.Wearing their traditional costumes, the children of Xiao Hua Miao Zu welcomed BBA students as their teachers.小花苗族的小朋友穿上传统服饰,迎接由浸大商管生充当的「小老师」。

8.abstract: Objective Inquire into the effect that the small amount of Mao nerve Zu Zhi anaesthesia is used for anus bowel surgical operation.目的探讨小剂量骶神经阻滞麻醉用于肛肠手术的效果。

9.Deeply moved by Zu Ti's patriotic passion, Liu Kun was determined to devote himself to his homeland.被祖逖爱国心深深感动,刘琨决心为祖国奉献自己

10.Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, the charismatic defence minister, is Germany's most popular poptician and a potential chancellor.Karl-TheodorzuGuttenberg是德国最受欢迎的政客,他目前担任国防部长,个人魅力十足,也是潜在的总理候选人。