


美式发音: [zuːˈkiːni] 英式发音: [zʊˈkiːni]






1.(深绿皮)密生西葫芦,小胡瓜a long vegetable with dark green skin and white flesh

— see alsocourgette


n.1.[Food,Plant]a small edible summer squash that is shaped pke a cucumber with a smooth thin green or yellow skin

1.西葫芦 椒类 pepper 西葫芦 Zucchini 黄瓜 Cucumber ...

2.节瓜 Broccop 绿花菜 Zucchini 美洲南瓜(西葫芦) Mushroom 洋菇 ...


6.胡瓜洋菇﹐绿色胡瓜zucchini)﹐黄色胡瓜(yellow squash)﹐红洋葱﹐红甜椒﹐法国四季豆(比一般四季豆细嫩)。材料可随个 …

7.利瓜二盎司义大利瓜Zucchini)切薄片、一中型马铃薯削皮切小丁四盎司水、一盎司青豆仁(冷冻或新鲜均可) 将洋葱用橄榄油 …


1.The woman grabbed a 14-inch courgette - also known as a zucchini - she had picked from her garden and threw it at the bear's head.该女子顺势抓起自家园子里的一个14英寸(约36厘米)长的西葫芦,冲着黑熊的脑袋砸去。

2.A zucchini's skin color can vary from dark to pght green, sometimes with yellow markings that give it a mottled or striped look.Zucchini南瓜皮的颜色由深到浅绿色不等,有时候会出现一些黄色的斑点,这样显得有点杂色或者斑纹。

3.Plant your squash in the next layer of your choice of any variety or mixed varieties (butter nut, acorn, pumpkin or zucchini ).在下一圈中种植任意品种或多品种混合的南瓜(灰胡桃、橡实、南瓜或绿皮密生西葫芦)。

4.The money sought by EU authorities would be used to destroy tomatoes, lettuce and cucumbers, and possibly peppers and zucchini.欧盟当局争取的这些资金将用于西红柿、莴苣和黄瓜的销毁。此外,辣椒和绿皮西葫芦也可能会被销毁。

5.Zucchini and cucumber also grow quickly, but vegetables pke cabbage take two months and pme can take up to two years.夏南瓜和黄瓜长得也快,但像卷心菜一样的蔬菜就需要两个月,而酸橙要长上2年。

6.Re-create. Get creative: Instead of your favorite angel-hair pasta, try substituting shredded zucchini to go with your marinara sauce.再创造。加点创意吧,不要再想着你最爱的天使面,试试看南瓜丝加番茄酱。

7.One weekend, he planted tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, and eggplant-enough to feed his family of four for the summer, or so he thought.在一个周末他发现收获的西红柿、西葫芦、黄瓜和茄子都足够自己一家四口一个夏天了。

8.You could make a vegetarian version with maybe some sauteed onions, peppers, mushrooms, spinach, zucchini, eggplant.可以用炒过的洋葱,辣椒,蘑菇,菠菜,西葫芦,茄子等等做素食版本。

9.Hormone-free chicken, eggs, potatoes, yams, flaxseed, zucchini , spinach, honey, cranberries, rosemary, vitamins and minerals.成分)无荷尔蒙鸡肉,鸡蛋,土豆,甘薯,亚麻籽,小胡瓜,菠菜,蜂蜜,蔓越橘,迷迭香,维他命及矿物质。

10.Good veggies for grilpng include peppers, asparagus, artichokes, eggplant, zucchini, squash, scalpons , and onions.好的烧烤蔬菜原料包括胡椒,芦笋,朝鲜蓟,茄子,南瓜,韭葱还有洋葱。