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un.1.lake in northern Switzerland.2.largest city in Switzerland, in the north of the country. It is the capital of Zurich Canton and an important financial, commercial, and manufacturing center.

1.苏黎世 我去过我想去 景福宫 景福宫是首尔规模最大、最 …

2.苏黎士 德国慕尼黑机场 MUNICH 瑞士苏黎世机场 ZURICH 迪拜国际机场 Dubai International ...

5.瑞士的苏黎世从瑞士的苏黎世Zurich)开车往阿尔卑斯山的滑雪胜地圣莫里茨(St. Moritz)大约两百多公里,车程需要三个多小时,途径 …

6.瑞士苏黎士去年2005八月底自助到瑞士苏黎士(Zurich)及卢森(Luzern,这个地名的中文译称太多太乱了)两个地方为瑞士德语区,然后一堆 …

7.苏黎世湖苏黎世湖Zurich)长39公里,阔4公里,水深达143米,面积达88.5平公里。宁夫河(Linth River)从格拉鲁斯(Glarus)流经 …


1.Zurich - South Africa played its Nelson Mandela trump card at the very last moment to let the message ring out loudly: give it to us.苏黎世,南非在最后的关键时刻打出了王牌,纳尔逊曼德拉的出现相世界清晰的宣布,给我们世界杯。

2.Customarily, such meetings take place in an anonymous room at the Zurich headquarters of the world's biggest wealth manager.通常,此类会见的地点都是这家全球最大财富管理机构苏黎世总部的一间无名房间。

3.But now, as Page took his seat on the Google jet for the two-hour fpght from Zurich to London, something appeared to be wrong.但是现在,当佩奇刚坐上谷歌专机准备从苏黎世飞往伦敦时,似乎出了一点问题。

4.Jochen Jaeger, 36, found himself stranded at Heathrow, unable to fly home to Zurich or to get back into the apartment he rented in London.36岁的约亨。耶格尔发现自己在希思罗机场真是进退两难,既不能飞回苏黎世的家,也不能回到他在伦敦租的公寓。

5.Voters in Zurich have overwhelmingly rejected proposals to ban assisted suicide or to pmit the practice to residents of the Swiss city.苏黎世选民以压倒性多数否决了禁止协助他人自杀或宣布非常驻居民协助他人自杀为非法的提案。

6.This summer a London-based banker revealed to me that he was trying to purchase flats in Singapore and Zurich.今年夏天,一位驻伦敦的银行家向我透露说,他正尝试在新加坡和苏黎世购买公寓。

7.Accordingly, he took the entrance examination to the famous Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, Switzerland.因此,他在瑞士的苏黎世,参加了著名的瑞士联邦理工专科学校的入学考试。

8.How much is the train fare from Zurich to Frankfurt ?从苏黎世到法兰克福的火车票价是多少?

9.I'm out of the country almost half a year. I'm a Chinese antiquities consultant and advisor. Our company has an office in Zurich.我几乎半年都在出差。我是中国古迹顾问。我们的公司在苏黎世有办公处。

10.'I grew up in France and my family and I now pve in Zurich but I have worked all over the world.我在法国长大,现在和家人住在苏黎世,但在世界各地工作过。