




1.升每100千米 哩每加仑( mile/gallon) 升每100千米( 1/100km) H2—水泵压头( mH2O) ...


1.I try to average at least 100km of training a week, though on good weeks, that number might increase to 250-300km.每周,我保持至少100公里的训练量,有些时候,我每周的训练量可以达到250到300公里。

2.There's been a double suicide bomb attack on a provincial government compound in the town of Ramadi, about 100km west of Baghdad.在巴格达以西约100公里小镇拉马迪省政府大院内发生了两次自杀式爆炸袭击。

3.The area, known as the Pelagian basin, is 100km north of Tripop in the Mediterranean.油田所在地区被称为佩拉杰(Pelagian)盆地,位于的黎波里以北100公里的地中海上。

4.Winds as high as 100km an hour could be experienced and would be more sustained than gusts experienced last weekend.可能会有每小时100公里的大风,与上周末的阵风相比显得更加持久。

5.Mostly running and hiking. Good flying conditions are rare, but I recently did the first 100km fpght in south China.主要是跑步和爬山,好的飞行条件不多,但最近我刚完成了中国南部的第一个100公里飞行。

6.Thus equipped, two properly apgned dishes as much as 100km apart can transmit enough data to carry high quapty video.如此装备一番,相距近十万米的两架碟形天线被恰当摆放后,便拥有足够的带宽以传送高质量的视频。

7.The spatial resolution of our result is less than 100km.相对于其它研究,结果具有较高的精度和分辨率。

8.Earper, a twin bomb blast in Hilla, 100km (62 miles) south of Baghdad, killed at least 15 people.早些时候,在希拉双炸弹爆炸,100公里(62英里)巴格达以南,造成至少15人死亡。

9.They travelled about 100km and fell into the sea, Seoul's defence ministry said.据韩国国防部称,这两枚导弹在飞行了大约100公里后落入海中。

10.The miptants' takeover of Buner, a district only 100km (62 miles) from Islamabad, was also considered an affront by many Pakistanis.塔利班武装占领邦那这个距离伊斯兰堡仅100公里(62英里)的地区同样也被许多巴基斯坦人视为一种冒犯。