




1.看着你的眼睛 ... 03 宝宝的脸 Baby face 04 看着你的眼睛 Look at your eyes 05 我有两只眼睛 I have two eyes ...

2.看你的眼睛 ... Look at your eyes,so beautiful 看你的眼睛,多麽的漂亮 Look at your face,so wonderful 看你的脸,多麽美 …

3.看着你的瞳孔 ... 锅盖道人 The Taoist priest 看着你的瞳孔 Look at your eyes 我是断三批 I was off the three batch ...

4.看着你的曝晴 ... 03 宝宝的脸 Baby Face 04 看着你的曝晴 Look at Your Eyes 05 我有两只眼晴 I Have Two Ey…


1.Do not know why not dare to look at your eyes, . . .不知道是什么原因不敢正视你的双眼,给我一点点时间…

2.I am looking forward to be with you and look at your eyes, but it is a daydream.我期待和你在一起,看着你的眼睛,但是那只是白日梦。

3.Let me screw my courage to the sticking place again , and look at your eyes again , maybe. . .让我再一次鼓足勇气,再看一次你的目光,也许…

4.Look at your eyes because I know what I don't want to leave some temperature.不敢看自己的眼睛因为知道留下的东西有我不想有的温度。

5."Oh, hell, look at your eyes! " She tsked in reproach. "What did you do? Stay up all night? "“哦,天啊,看看你的眼睛!”她啧啧地斥道。“你都干什么了?整夜都没睡吗?”

6.Let me have a look at your eyes. Oh, your eyes are rather yellowish让我看看你的眼睛,啊,你的眼睛有点黄