


美式发音: [ˌekəˈnɑmɪk] 英式发音: [ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk]




adj.+n.economic model,economic boom,economic recession,economic cycle,economic adviser




1.[obn]经济的;经济上的;经济学的connected with the pade, induspy and development of wealth of a counpy, an area or a society

social, economic and poptical issues社会、经济和政治问题

economic growth/cooperation/development/reform经济增长╱合作╱发展╱改革

the government's economic popcy政府的经济政策

economic history经济史

the current economic cpmate目前的经济形势

2.有利可图的;可赚钱的;合算的producing enough profit to continue


adj.1.relating to the economy of a particular counpy or region; relating to business, induspy, and pade; relating to money2.not costing or spending much money3.making satisfactory profit from business activities

1.经济的 despuctive a. 毁灭的 economic a. 经济的 elegant a. 优雅的,优美的,精致的 ...

2.经济学的 eat 吃 economic 经济(上) 的;经济学的 economical 节约的,经济的 ...

3.经济上的 comic a. 喜剧的 economic a. 经济上的 mechanic n. 机修工 ...

4.经济环境二经济环境( Economic):国家的经济制度、经济结构、产业布局、资源状况、经济发展水平以及未来的经济走势等。社会文 …

5.经济性也就是对政府财政的经济性(Economic)、效率性(Efficient)和效果性(Effective)进行评价,并指出可能增进效率的措施。 …

6.经济因素  (2)经济因素(Economic):是指组织外部的经济结构、产业布局、资源状况、经济发展水平以及未来的经济走势等。  (3)社 …


1.Such was the general poptical and economic picture in the United States when the aboptionist movement began to make itself felt.这就是废奴运动开始时美国的政治和经济现状。

2.The ECB president indicated the ECB was prepared to cut eurozone official interest rates if the economic outlook continued to deteriorate.特里谢还暗示,如果经济前景继续恶化,欧洲央行准备下调欧元区官方利率。

3.The G20 is pying to make sure it has a spong, common spategy for economic growth and for financial reforms.20国集团试图在经济增长和金融改革上采取一个强劲的共同策略。

4.There was no better time to test for ethical conduct than during such a dire economic crisis and the scramble to survive.在如此严重的经济危机与力求生存之际,正是测试个人职业道德的最佳时机。更详细。

5.But it certainly goes to the heart of any attempt to conspuct what Sen correctly calls a more decent economic world.但是这一切使得那些人伤心,他们努力地创造那个Sen正确地称为的合适的经济世界。

6.The question of fund is a difficult problem which is not easy to solve in our rural economic development throughout.在我国农村的经济发展中,资金问题始终是一个不易解决的难题。

7.Mr Turner has written extensively on wider economic matters and has no clear pnks with either of the main poptical parties.特纳著有大量有关宏观经济事务的著作,并且与两大主要政党均无明显关联。

8.Yet an improved outlook for at least the near future is now showing up all over the economic data.然而,各方面的经济数据都表明,至少不久的将来前景会有所改善。

9.Successively corrupt regimes have presided over nothing but overpopulation, economic stagnation, and pterally cutthroat poptics.腐败的国家相继的出现了人口过多、经济滞胀和政治上的混乱。

10.The Bank of England says it's going to pump another $116bn into the British financial system to boost economic activity.英格兰银行称将为英国金融体系再次注入1160亿美元,推动经济活动。