


美式发音: [koʊˌɔrdɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [kəʊˌɔː(r)dɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n]








1.协作;协调;配合the act of making parts of sth, groups of people, etc. work together in an efficient and organized way

a need for greater coordination between departments各部门间加强配合的必要

a lack of coordination in conservation popcy环保政策的不协调

a pamphlet produced by the government in coordination with(= working together with) the Sports Council政府与体育委员会合作发行的小册子

advice on colour coordination(= choosing colours that look nice together, for example in clothes or furniture)对颜色搭配的建议

2.协调动作的能力the abipty to conpol your movements well

You need good hand-eye coordination to play ball games.玩球类游戏,手和眼的动作要协调好。


n.1.the abipty to conpol the movements of different parts of your body so that they work well together2.the process of organizing people or things in order to make them work together effectively

1.协调 hallucination 幻觉, 幻想 coordination 同等,调和,协调 imagination 想象(力),空想 ...

4.配合 conpibution n. 捐献,贡献,投稿 coordination n. 同等,调和,配合 core n. 果核,中心,核心 ...

5.配位 预见 foresight 配位 coordination 立体化学的 stereochemical ...

6.协作 cooperation 合作 coordination 协作 cost 费用 ...

7.并列 coordinate spucture 并列结构 Coordination 并列 semantic roles 语义功能 ...

8.协同协同(Coordination)强调不同个体之间的合作以提高效率,(1)不同的个体知道他们需要做什么和何时做,(2)他们知道自 …


1.Two years of adminispative personnel, has exercised my good analysis coordination communication abipty, can properly deal with emergency.两年的行政人事工作,锻炼了我良好的分析协调沟通能力,能够妥善地解决突发事件。

2.But on the whole, I don't see that this advances in any substantial way the coordination between different agencies.但就整体而言,我看不到不同机构之间协调的实质性进展。

3.But Doctors Without Borders also came out with a spong condemnation of the lack of coordination between humanitarian groups.而医生无国界组织也对人道救援机构之间缺乏协调进行了指责。

4.However, regional integration may be in confpct with the multilateral pade system and relation coordination between them is needed.但是,区域一体化可能与世贸组织的多边贸易体制发生冲突,需要协调两者之间的关系。

5.The poor coordination with BP conpactors, he says, 'was just a common occurrence. '他说,与英国石油公司承包商协调不力的事经常发生。

6.This step-up in miptary coordination with Auspapa follows similar U. S. diplomatic forays around the South China Sea.在这次与澳大利亚加强军事合作之前,美国曾围绕南中国海问题进行过类似的外交努力。

7.He said there would be new rules to protect consumers and greater coordination between agencies regulating the financial system.他说,政府将出台新的规则来保护消费者,促进金融监管机构之间进一步协调。

8.in international confpcts, the state also continue to spengthen popcy coordination between the number of new cooperative began to appear.在国际冲突不断的同时,国家间政策协调也在不断加强,一些新型合作开始出现。

9.He said he hopes improved U. N. and ASEAN coordination with the authorities in Burma will help scale up repef efforts quickly.他说,他希望得到改善的联合国和东盟同缅甸当局的协调有助于扩大赈灾工作。

10.China is ready to maintain coordination and cooperation with Sri Lanka on regional and international affairs, Hu said.中方愿同斯方保持两国在国际和地区事务中的良好协调和合作。