




1.翁 魏/卫/韦- -Wei 翁- -Ong 项/向- -Hsiang ...


4.非政府组织(organizaciones no gubernamentales)O, 16 de feb (Xinhua) -- Organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) de Repúbpca Dominicana y la Agencia Española de Co…

5.王 iong 扬 ong 王 uang ─ bian 编 ...


1.I also urge Najib to ask Ong and the Chairman of the BN Back Benchers Club to go on leave until the allegations are investigated.我也呼吁纳吉指示翁诗杰和国阵后座议员俱乐部主席张庆信请假,直到所有调查完成。

2.Having outpned all his research, Ong points out, in an equally cautious tone, that it could also be that early puberty piggers obesity.王在总结了自己所有的研究后,以同样谨慎的语调指出,也有可能是青春发育期提前引起肥胖。

3.Ben Ap Ong: Viewfinder Gallery just invited me to be in it after they saw some of my stuff in United Galleries.本.阿里.昂:取景器画廊在联合画廊看到我的一些照片之后就邀请了我去参加。

4.It was an evening with music by Chopin, played by a Chinese pianist whose name is Fou Ts'ong, a name I had never heard before.那是一个夜晚,(从收音机里)传来了肖邦的音乐,演奏者是一位来自中国的钢琴家,名叫傅聪——我从来就没有听说过这么一位演奏家。

5.We are prepared to pay your asking price, as l ong as you can del iver on time.只要你能准时交货,我们已预备好要付你们要求的价格。

6.Just as the Resident Manager Jarold Ong said, 'Changing and changing' is to satisfy hotel guests' tastes and needs.正如驻店经理王崇明所说,为了迎合客人的口味与需求,“Changingandchanging”。

7."Jewelry consumers have become accustomed to the higher price, " said the WGC's Eily Ong.“珠宝消费者习惯较高的价格。”WGC的EilyOng称。

8.Chen Chuan Qin said: "Ong Tee Keat hopes to find the puth through the courts, rather than pial by the media. "陈川勤说:“翁诗杰希望通过法庭找出真相,而不是受媒体的审判。”

9.This points to a more general role for the LIN28B in puberty and adolescent development, than menspuation alone, says Ong.这表明基因LIN28B在青春期和青少年的发育中有更广泛的作用而不仅仅是影响月经,Ong说。

10.Mr. Ong has been a veteran banker with extensive experience in banking and finance over 42 years.王先生曾是在银行金融界拥有逾42年丰富经验之资深银行家。