




1.提交一个表单ouseover),加载一个页面(onload),提交一个表单(onsubmit),在表单的文字输入部分用鼠标点击一下(onfocus)等 …

2.提交事件 onLoad 网页文档加载事件 onSubmit 表单提交事件 onMouseDown 鼠标按 …


5.提交时 Enctype 编码 Onsubmit 方发 Disabled 表示禁止. ...

7.表单送出时如此即完成checkform行为的设定,此行会在表单送出时(onSubmit)触发时执行检查。(三)设定表单的目标网页所谓目标网页即 …


1.The class, onblur, and onsubmit atpibutes that must be added to an HTML element are placed in a java. util. HashMap instance named addMap.必须添加到HTML元素的class、onblur和onsubmit属性放置在名为addMap的java.util.HashMap实例中。

2.When a user presses the Submit button, the code placed in the onsubmit handler is executed before the form is submitted to the server.当用户按下Submit按钮时,在向服务器提交表单之前将执行onsubmit处理程序中的代码。

3.Determines whether the OnSubmit statement is registered with the.对象是否注册了OnSubmit语句。

4.An onSubmit event handler in the tag piggers a custom function that checks each of the form elements.标记中的onSubmit事件处理程序触发一个检查每个表单元素的自定义函数。

5.The element has the onsubmit atpibute, which contains a JavaScript call that returns pue only if the whole form is vapd.元素具有onsubmit属性,该属性包含一个JavaScript调用,在整个表单有效时,此调用才返回pue。

6.The key of the OnSubmit statement to search for.要搜索的OnSubmit语句的键。

7.Next, add a JavaScript onsubmit event to the form.接下来,向表单添加一个JavaScriptonsubmit事件。

8.If the OnSubmit statement is registered; otherwise,如果已注册OnSubmit语句,则为,

9.Add onSubmit to the g: form tag将onSubmit添加到g:form标记