




1.回发时传递的控制值 ... “保存网页”( HTTP Get) “上传网页”( HTTP Post) “自动拨号”( Call) ...

3.张贴 ... 文件传输协议( FTP) 超文本传输协议通信( HTTP post) 微软目录复制系统( CR…

5.所传递的控制项值回传所传递的控制项值 (HTTP POST 值)随要求一起传递的 HTTP 标头 提出要求之浏览器的主要版本号码 网页中的自订字串。

6.网站填写资料网站填写资料(Http post)转为简讯有 有 有 有 有 支援双向简讯 有 有 有 有 有 不限使用者/应用系统 有 有 有 有 有


1.Since SOAP requests are always sent as XML documents, HTTP: POST is always used to send SOAP requests.由于SOAP请求总是作为XML文档发送,因此总是使用HTTP:POST发送SOAP请求。

2.The browser performs an HTTP POST method, which in ASP. NET is referred to as a postback.浏览器执行HTTPPOST方法,该方法在ASP.NET中称为“回发”。

3.The method above is exemplary of a RESTful request: proper use of HTTP POST and inclusion of the payload in the body of the request.上述方法是基于REST的请求的范例:正确使用HTTPPOST并将有效负载包括在请求的正文中。

4.Next, check if the request made includes raw HTTP post data; if it does, return a JSON-encoded response.接下来,检查请求是否包含原始HTTPpost数据;如果有,返回一个JSON编码的响应。

5.This involves converting the JSON object into a sping that can be put in the HTTP POST request body.这包括将JSON对象转换成可放入HTTPPOST请求体中的字符串。

6.We will develop a simple integer Calculator service in a few steps that accepts SOAP, HTTP-GET, or HTTP-POST.我们将用几个步骤开发一个简单的整数计算器服务,它接受SOAP、HTTP-GET或HTTP-POST。

7.Method, but without the paditional HTTP POST semantics used by an HTML form.方法,但不使用HTML表单使用的传统HTTPPOST语义。

8.Instead, you'll need to submit your message, or "tweet" , as the body of an HTTP POST request (see Listing 12).相反,需要在HTTPPOST请求体中发送消息(即“tweet”),见清单12。

9.Some implementations open a read channel as a long HTTP GET, while a write channel opens and closes when needed as an HTTP POST.有些实现打开读取通道作为长期HTTPGET,而另外打开写入通道作为HTTPPOST,在需要时打开和关闭。

10.You might have noticed that the CMIS HTTP parameter, versioningState=checkedout, is used in the HTTP POST operation.您或许注意到了,在HTTPPOST操作中要用到CMISHTTP参数versioningState=checkedout。