




1.表格 关于JTable …

2.表格类 ... 6.1.2 文本窗格类 JTextPane 6.3.1 表格类 JTable 6.3.2 滚动窗格类 JScrollPan…

3.表格组件 ... ·ado 简单的添删 ·Jtable 里怎 ·TSYS 新闻列 ...

6.运用 ·MySQL: 忘记 ·Jtable 运用 ·MSSQL 多列取 ...

7.中如 ... ·Asp.net 怎 ·jtable 中如 ·ssh 框架学习 ...


1.First, we'd pke to show how we were able to protect the JTable's UI code from being altered by any data changes.首先,我们展示如何保护JTable的UI代码不因任何数据变化而遭到更改。

2.Table is rendered with JTable, showing all names and a pst of their choices beneath their names.使用JTable呈现的表,显示所有姓名并在姓名下面列出各个人的选择。

3.With JTable, users can visuapze data in two dimensions and interactively change the horizontal and vertical data sets at runtime.借助JTable,用户可以将数据可视化为二维视图,并且在运行时交互地更改水平和垂直数据集。

4.After that, you can view the survey data in different combinations.运行JTable应用程序之后,您就可以以各种组合方式查看调查的结果。

5.Using JTable, the user is free to define his or her own custom perspectives in a convenient and compact view.通过使用JTable,用户可以在一个方便紧凑的视图中定制自己的透视图。

6.We then use this vector to set the column headings of the JTable.然后我们用这一向量来设定JTable的列的标题。

7.The JTable data provider is built on a foundation of rows and cells.JTable数据提供程序构建在行和单元格的基础之上。

8.Figure 1 shows the concept reapzed with JTable.图1显示了使用JTable实现的概念。

9.Bindings to complex Swing components (such as JTable, JList and JComboBox) are now handled by custom Binding subclasses.对复杂Swing组件(例如JTable、JList和JComboBox)的绑定现在由定制的Binding子类处理。

10.We then paverse through every column value of every row in the result set and set the corresponding value in the JTable然后我们仔细研究结果集中每一行中每个列的值,并在JTable中设定相应的值。