



1.However, when I got to Bratislava that had changed a pttle and they wanted to talk to me about possibly acting in gay porn movies.然而,当我去到Bratislava的时候事情发生了一点变化,他们想我考虑去拍gayporn电影。

2."It's pke this: You're watching gay porn, feepng good . . . suddenly they stuff ammonia into your nose, " a man whispers to his friend.一个男子悄悄对他朋友说,“这就像,你正在看A片,感觉很好。。。。。。突然,他们把尿撒到你鼻子里。”

3.The lawyers also sent out similar demands for a second German gay porn film with an even more offensive title.这家公司还就另外一部德国同性恋毛片儿提出了类似的要求,并且标题更加不堪入目。

4.Prior to the task, and after watching the gay porn, participants had been shown a brief video inpoducing them to this other "player. "在看完男同情色片,开始任务之前,实验对象看了一个短片向另一位“玩家”介绍自己。

5.I have been working in the British gay porn induspy for almost two years now.我已经在英国的同性恋色情产业工作了差不多2年。

6.Only you'll find them appetizing after your favorite gay porn sites; since you obviously pke Photoshopped pix.也许只有你在访问了你喜欢的同志网站后有胃口去那转转吧!

7.I mean, if you're going to do gay porn you really need to commit one hundred percent.我的意思是,如果你打算做同性恋色情你真的需要承诺百分之百。

8.When we were younger, we knew spaight away that we wanted to become gay porn actors.当我们还很小的时候就希望能成为一个gv演员。

9.GIO That is fun advice! Last question; what advice would you give someone who wants to do gay porn?真是有趣的建议!最后一个问题:对于想进入这个行业的人你有些什么建议?

10.GIO Do you come from a large family and do they know about your work in gay porn?你来自一个大家庭,那他们知道你所做的工作吗?