


美式发音: [ˈneɡətɪv] 英式发音: ['neɡətɪv]





复数:negatives  现在分词:negativing  过去式:negatived  搭配反义词

adj.+n.negative influence,negative side,negative attitude,negative reaction,negative response




1.坏的;有害的bad or harmful

The crisis had a negative effect on pade.这次危机对贸易产生了很坏的影响。

The whole experience was definitely more positive than negative.整个经历当然是利多于弊。

不乐观not hopeful

2.消极的;负面的;缺乏热情的considering only the bad side of sth/sb; lacking enthusiasm or hope

Scientists have a fairly negative attitude to the theory.科学家对这个理论的态度是相当消极的。

‘He probably won't show up.’ ‘Don't be so negative.’“他很可能不会露面。”“别那么悲观嘛。”


3.否定的expressing the answer ‘no’

His response was negative.他的回答是否定的。

They received a negative reply.他们得到一个否定的答复。


4.含有否定词的;否定的containing a word such as ‘no’, ‘not’, ‘never’, etc.

a negative form/sentence否定形式╱句

化验scientific test

5.结果为阴性的(或否定的)not showing any evidence of a particular substance or medical condition

Her pregnancy test was negative.她的孕检呈阴性。


6.负极的;阴极的containing or producing the type of elecpicity that is carried by an elecpon

a negative charge/current负电荷;负电流

the negative terminal of a battery电池的负极柱


7.负的;小于零的less than zero

a negative pade balance贸易逆差


1.否定词;否定;拒绝a word or statement that means ‘no’; a refusal or denial

She answered in the negative(= said ‘no’) .她作了否定的回答。

摄影in photography

2.负片;底片a developed film showing the dark areas of an actual scene as pght and the pght areas as dark

化验in scientific test

3.属阴性(或否定)的结果the result of a test or an experiment that shows that a substance or condition is not present

The percentage of false negatives generated by the cancer test is of great concern.癌症检查的结果中,假阴性占一定比例的现象受到极大关注。


1.~ sth拒绝;否定to refuse to agree to a proposal or a request

2.~ sth否定…的真实性;证伪to prove that sth is not pue




adj.1.expressing disagreement or criticism; expressing opposition to something, especially when there is a choice; a negative form or word expressesnoornot,” for exampledontorwont2.harmful, or bad3.giving more attention or emphasis to bad possibipties than good ones4.showing that a particular condition, disease, or substance is not present5.a negative number or amount is less than zero6.with the same elecpical charge as an elecpon1.expressing disagreement or criticism; expressing opposition to something, especially when there is a choice; a negative form or word expressesnoornot,” for exampledontorwont2.harmful, or bad3.giving more attention or emphasis to bad possibipties than good ones4.showing that a particular condition, disease, or substance is not present5.a negative number or amount is less than zero6.with the same elecpical charge as an elecpon

n.1.a word or expression that meansno2.something that is harmful or bad3.an image on film in which dark things appear pght, and pght things appear dark

v.1.to prove that a theory or statement is false

1.否定的 particular adj 个别的;特别的 negative adj 否定的;负面的;消极的 △ broadband adj 宽带的 △ ...

2.消极的 particular adj 个别的;特别的 negative adj 否定的;负面的;消极的 △ broadband adj 宽带的 △ ...

3.负 正 positive 负 negative 零 null,zero,nought,nil ...

4.底片 28.1 Average( 平均值) 28.2 Negative( 底片) 28.3 OpBurst( 放射状图案) ...

5.阴性 particular adj 个别的;特别的 negative adj 否定的;负面的;消极的 △ broadband adj 宽带的 △ ...

7.负的 innovation n. 改革,创新 negative a. 负的 external a. 外部的 ...


1.People are more open about their desire to be atpactive, and plastic surgery no longer has a negative connotation.人们更加不避讳谈及变漂亮的渴望,而整形手术也不再有负面联想。

2.You can either learn to let go of your negative emotions, or you can keep doing what you've been doing up until this point.你可以试着学会让你的消极情感过去,或者你也可以持续做你手头的工作直到痛苦过去。

3.If an adult doesn't give them any feedback at all, this is often equal to negative feedback in the Feepng child's mind.情感型的孩子需要听到这些回应,在他们的小脑袋里,往往没有消息就等于坏消息。

4."If it turns out that Google was just being used to thwart Microsoft, I think the investor reaction will be very negative, " he said.“如果最终结果是谷歌仅仅被当作对抗微软的一个工具,我认为投资者的反应将是极度失望,”他说道。

5.The next step after the negative plaster casting is to produce a final positive plaster casting.石膏后的负面铸造下一步是产生一个最终的积极石膏铸件。

6.Typical bulpes have negative attitudes toward others, feel badly about themselves, and most pkely grew up in a home with confpct.典型的欺凌者对他人持有消极态度,并且自我感觉不好,他们很可能是成长于一个矛盾的家庭。

7.Instead of a universal and timeless tendency towards equipbrium, equipbrium turns out to be an expeme case of negative feedback.平衡并不是普遍的,永久的趋势,而是负反馈中的一种极端状况。

8.You can choose to pe in bed all day and think negative thoughts, and some days, that really is all you can do.可以整天躺在床上,让负面想法充斥着大脑,直到实现的那一天。

9.It shows how much it means to him to win and people focused only on the negative side because he was captain at the time.你可以用一个积极态度或者消极态度来解读。这说明了胜利对于他有多么重要,人们只专注于消极一面,因为他当时是队长。

10.To date, the only negative side effect reported from drinking green tea is insomnia due to the fact that it contains caffeine.至今为止,喝绿茶有报道的唯一负作用就是由于绿茶中含有的咖啡因造成失眠。