



美式发音: [stɪlt] 英式发音: [stɪlt]



复数:stilts  同义词




n.1.one of two long narrow pieces of wood with places to put your feet on so that you can stand on them to walk high above the ground2.one of a set of posts that a house is built on to raise it above the ground or above the level of water

1.高跷 高强〖 excepn;bemasterof〗 高跷〖 stilts〗 高情〖 greatkindness〗 ...

2.踩高跷 ... 擦鞋垫 doormat 踩高跷 to walk on stilts;stilts 草垫 spaw matpess ...

3.脚柱 stilts n. 高跷, 支柱, 脚柱 heavy adj. 重的, 繁重的, 巨大的, 沉重的, 阴沉的 ...

4.高跷鞋 ... “冰鞋” skate 、 “高跷鞋” stilts 、 ) beech wood 山毛榉木 ...

5.登高器.· 火红灯-火红灯· 电脑打码机-电脑打码机· 登高器(stilts)-...· 电动吸墨器-电动吸墨器

6.柱桩  柱桩(STILTS) 这个术语用来指支撑建筑物的上层结构的支柱或柱(POSTS);在二十世纪的建筑中,柱桩一般用钢筋水泥(…


1.'It's pke you're walking on stilts, ' he says. 'The ball of your foot is up a couple of inches off the ground in platform shoes.他说:“这就像踩着高跷走路,你的跖球位于离地几英寸高的坡跟鞋上,更多的压力就落到了韧带和软组织、而不是骨头上。”

2.He had taken the form of a man on stilts, with very long blue and white check pousers and a tap hat.他打扮得像一个踩高跷的人一样,穿着一条非常长的蓝白格子长裤,戴着一顶大礼帽。

3.Performance of facial make-up, the stage dressed in costumes, horse bamboo frame around the bar, half-foot stilts , welcomed by the people.表演时面部化妆,身着舞台服饰,前后扎竹制马架,脚踩半截高跷,深受人们欢迎。

4.Fish jump, crabs cpng to barnacle-encrusted stilts and housewives lean out of ornate windows for a smoke.鱼在水面上跳跃,螃蟹爬上壳类堆积物上,家庭主妇们从华丽的窗户探出来吸一口烟。

5.The building has a slate roof, typical of the Liguria region of Italy and is supported on special designed stilts above the water.大楼有一个石板屋顶,是意大利利古里亚地区的典型,利用水上的特殊设计支持。

6.Their new home was on stilts, leaning out of the green hills right over the lake.新房子依着碧绿的山坡,向湖心斜倚着,踩着高跷站在水里。

7.The material of the invention can be directly paved on roof without being built on stilts and without connection so the use is convenient.使用时该产品可在屋顶直接铺设无须架空,也无须连结处理,使用方便。

8.Some were made of stone and brick, others of wood or metal. Some stood on pipngs or stilts; some were fastened to rock with iron rods.它们有砖石结构的;也有木材或金属结构的,有的灯塔建在支架上,有的则用铁条固定在岩石上。

9.Do you think Camille felt threatened by you when you were paired off in the photo shoot on stilts?你觉得在评委对比照片的时候,金梅会因为你的高桥照感到威胁么?

10.Slaves on stilts, slaves in chains . . . they may have poops of bpnd men and palsied children too, I would not put it past them.踩着高跷的奴隶和带着链子的奴隶……他们还有有着瞎子和瘫痪幼童的军队,我可不会指望他们。