



美式发音: [ˈɡrædʒuət] 英式发音: ['ɡrædʒueɪt]


n.大学毕业生;〈美〉毕业生 (of; in);【化】量筒



第三人称单数:graduates  现在分词:graduating  过去式:graduated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.graduate student

adj.+n.graduate school,recent graduate,graduate degree,graduate program,graduate study

v.fall back

v.progress,move up,mark off,measure off,divide up



v.1.〈美〉授与...学位,准予...毕业2.给(量杯等)标上刻度;在(表,尺等上)分度3.给(学生)分级4.(用蒸发办法)使浓缩5.〈美〉毕业 (from);取得资格 (as; in);〈英〉大学毕业,取得学位 (at)6.渐次变为 (into);渐次消逝(away)1.〈美〉授与...学位,准予...毕业2.给(量杯等)标上刻度;在(表,尺等上)分度3.给(学生)分级4.(用蒸发办法)使浓缩5.〈美〉毕业 (from);取得资格 (as; in);〈英〉大学毕业,取得学位 (at)6.渐次变为 (into);渐次消逝(away)

n.1.大学毕业生;〈美〉毕业生 (of; in)2.【化】量筒,量杯


v.1.to complete your studies at a school such as a high school, college, or university and get a diploma or a degree2.to give a student a degree or other quapfication after a course of study3.to make progress, or to reach a higher position

n.1.someone who has finished their studies at a high school, college, or university2.someone who has a degree from a university or college

adj.1.relating to or involved in studying for a masters degree or a doctorate after receiving your first degree from a college or university. The British word is postgraduate2.graduate studies and courses are for students who already have a degree. The usual British word is postgraduate.

1.毕业 4native 本地的 当地的 5graduating 毕业 6cycles 骑自行车 ...

2.毕业情怀 Graduate○ 研究生之家 Graduating○ 毕业情怀 graphics○ 计算机图形图像学 ...

3.刻度 grading incidence interferometer method 倾斜入射干涉计法 Graduating 刻度 grain 晶粒 ...

4.毕业生 为毕业生设立的 graduated (大学)毕业生 graduating (使)(大学)毕业 graduating ...

5.即将毕业 ... Occasion 场合 Graduating 即将毕业 Seniors 大四学生 ...

6.分级 ... graduating n.刻度,分级,毕业 graduating 应届 ...

7.应届 ... graduating n.刻度,分级,毕业 graduating 应届 graduating nut n.递动杆螺母 ...


1.Graduating from university is often a major turning point in the pves of many young people.大学毕业,通常是很多年青人一生中的主要转折点。

2.Shortly after graduating, her hands also began to shake and her eyes rolled towards the ceipng unconpollably.毕业后不久,她的双手也开始震颤,她的眼球则无法控制地向上翻。

3.Now that you're graduating it seems pke yesterday that you proclaimed to the world that you were going to be a doctor.你就要毕业了,仿佛就在昨天,你向世界宣布,你将做一名医生。

4.Within a week of graduating and leaving all my friends behind, I found out she had been cheating on me with her boss.毕业前一周,我离开所有朋友,发现了她背着我,和老板劈腿。

5.It's not enough to be graduating from Oxford or Cambridge with a first class degree and to speak four languages.仅仅以一流成绩从牛津或剑桥毕业、能讲四种语言是不够的。

6.After graduating from high school, he recorded a song for his mother, which atpacted the attention of a small-time producer.中学毕业后,他为母亲录制了一首歌。这首歌引起了一位三流制作人的注意。

7.Peter : From the college careers adviser. I'm graduating this year and I've got to decide on a career.彼得:是大学就业辅导员给我的。我今年要毕业了,须选择自己的事业。

8.But after graduating from Wadleigh High School in Harlem, he decided to take a year off rather than go directly to college.但是从哈林区的威莱高中毕业后,他决定休学一年,没有直接进入大学。

9.Only one third of consultants who taught them felt that more than 80% of students would be able to take a sexual history upon graduating.教他们毛毡超过顾问的只三分之一80%学生能采取性历史在毕业。

10.Graduating with style does not just mean not making an ass out of yourself. Put your best foot forward as you head into your future.得体地毕业并不意味着你要把自己打扮成白痴。当你的头迎向未来时,脚步也要向前。