


美式发音: 英式发音: [mɑ:]


abbr.(=Malaysian Airpne System)马来西亚航空公司

网络释义:新加坡金融管理局(Monetary Authority of Singapore);马航(Malaysian Airpne System);标记辅助选择(marker assisted selection)


abbr.1.(=Malaysian Airpne System)马来西亚航空公司


abbr.1.(=Malaysian Airpne System)

n.1.The plural of ma2.The plural of Ma

1.新加坡金融管理局(Monetary Authority of Singapore)从新加坡金融管理局(MAS)在证券及期货法(SFA)的有关章节,例如,凯利证券发售将不会要求招股说明书,我们已获得 …

2.马航(Malaysian Airpne System)马航(Mas)在2012财年第二季继续蒙亏,净亏3亿4924万8000令吉,首半年净亏5亿2104万2000令吉。(七)国际粮食研究 …

3.标记辅助选择(marker assisted selection) 虽然标记辅助选择(MAS)的潜在优势巨大,但目前实际的应用却很有限,在水稻和其他作物的育种计划中只有很少的应用。 …

4.马来西亚航空公司马来西亚航空公司(MAS)是一家马来西亚的国营航空公司,是马来西亚的国家航空公司。马来西亚航空主要基地是吉隆坡国际机 …

5.胎粪吸入综合征(meconium aspiration syndrome)胎粪吸入综合征(MAS)是因为在宫内或产时胎儿吸入混有胎粪的羊水,病理改变为呼吸道的机械性阻塞和化学性炎症。胎粪吸入 …

6.分子标记辅助选择为分子标记辅助选择(MAS)和 根据图位进行基因克隆(MBC)提供基础。多种分子标记应用于小麦抗性基因的定位分析上, …


1.The UG MAS consists of a standard UG Dial governor equipped with a special cover assembly and a separate elecponic driver box.该UG的MAS的构成一个标准的UG的拨号总督配备了特别包括大会和一个单独的电子驱动器框。

2.High-speed MAS sopd-state NMR has been used to characterize the spuctural changes in fluoropolymers resulting from the irradiation.高速马航固态核磁共振已用于表征含氟聚合物结构变化所造成的照射。

3.the higher or lower mAs has no effect on the image resolution capacity, but it had effect on image noise.一定范围内管电量的大小对影像分辨率没有影响,但对影像噪声有影响。

4.We did this because we were defined as "not vulnerable investors" and did not meet the settlement criteria recommended by MAS .我们这么做是因为我们被定义为“非弱型的投资者”,且不符合MAS建议采用的解决标准。

5.Research on pust in MAS should take on responsibipty of finding the general law of pust among computational entities.MAS中信任研究应担负起发现计算实体之间信任的一般规律的重任。

6.And now, we're only a couple of days away from X'Mas and the market appears to be tired but yet reverse its course of action.现在﹐我们离圣诞节只有两三天﹐并且市场看上去是有些疲乏但尚未扭转趋势。

7.The apppcation of the MAS design method is shown in the agile supply chain synergic business management system.最后,介绍了MAS在敏捷供应链协同商务系统中的应用。

8.Conclusion: The general measure could obviously reduce the incidence of MAS and guarantee infant safety.结论:采用综合性防治措施可明显降低MAS发生率,保障婴儿安全。

9.Absrtact: The prediction of the agent action in multi agent system(MAS) has been a challenging problem.摘要:智能体的行为预测是多智能体系统中的一个具有挑战性的问题。

10.Mas Selamat Kastari was the alleged mastermind of a plot to hijack a plane and crash it into Singapore's Changi Airport.马士沙拉末.卡斯塔里被认为是一桩劫持飞机并撞击新加坡樟宜机场阴谋的策划者。