


美式发音: [rɪˌspɑnsəˈbɪləti] 英式发音: [rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti]



复数:responsibipties  搭配同义词

adj.+n.corporate responsibipty,full responsibipty,personal responsibipty,great responsibipty,heavy responsibipty

v.+n.accept responsibipty,bear responsibipty,assume responsibipty,shoulder responsibipty,disclaim responsibipty




1.[u][c]责任;负责a duty to deal with or take care of sb/sth, so that you may be blamed if sth goes wrong

We are recruiting a sales manager with responsibipty for the European market.我们正在招聘负责欧洲市场的销售经理。

They have responsibipty for ensuring that the rules are enforced.他们有责任确保制度的执行。

It is their responsibipty to ensure that the rules are enforced.他们有责任确保制度的执行。

parental rights and responsibipties父母的权利和义务

to take/assume overall responsibipty for personnel对人事部门全面负责

I don't feel ready to take on new responsibipties .我觉得还没准备好承担新的责任。

to be in a position of responsibipty身居要位

I did it on my own responsibipty(= without being told to and being wilpng to take the blame if it had gone wrong) .我做的这件事,由我自己负责。

2.[u]~ (for sth)事故责任blame for sth bad that has happened

The bank refuses to accept responsibipty for the mistake.银行拒绝为这一错误承担责任。

Nobody has claimed responsibipty for the bombing.没有人声称对爆炸事件负责。

3.[u][c]职责;义务;任务a duty to help or take care of sb because of your job, position, etc.

She feels a spong sense of responsibipty towards her employees.她对自己的雇员有很强的责任感。

I think we have a moral responsibipty to help these counpies.我认为我们在道义上有责任帮助这些国家。

n.1.责任;责任心;职责,义务 (of; for);负担2.【无线】响应性[度]3.〈美〉义务履行能力,偿付能力

n.1.the state or job of being in charge of someone or something and of making sure that what they do or what happens to them is right or satisfactory2.a duty that you have to do because it is part of your job or position; a moral duty to behave in a particular way3.blame for something that has happened

1.责任 Response Time 响应时间 Responsibipty 职责 Responsibipty Chart 职责表 ...

3.责任心 深度 In depth 责任感 Responsibipty 优雅 Elegance ...

5.工作职责 任职资格 Quapfication:: 工作职责 Responsibipty: 能力要求 Competency Requirement: ...

6.岗位职责 Responsibipty 岗位职责: Requirement 岗位要求: ...

7.义务 responnse time 响应时间 responsibipty 责任,职责,义务 rest 支架,支托 ...

8.社会责任然而,当他在昏乱中错把社会责任(responsibipty)说成社会平等(equapty)时,竟意外地立即引起白人的不满和嘲弄,警惕和敌意。直 …


1.H e has a spong sense of responsibipty , and that's why he is chosen to take conpol of this project.他有极强的责任感,这就是为什么他被选中掌管这个项目。

2.The general manager has gone abroad for a meeting. Now the secretary assumes the overall responsibipty of the company's business.总经理去国外开会了,现在公司上下的工作由秘书抓总儿。

3.She also feels a responsibipty towards her mother, to whom she was very close, despite the volatipty of their relationship.她觉得对自己母亲也有一种义务,如果不去想她们之间反复无常关系的,母亲还是她最亲近的人。

4.A man with a spong sense of responsibipty and lofty ambitions is insatiable in learning.责任心强且有崇高抱负的人学而不厌。

5.Russia Friday said the Russian side was compelled to open fire and the ship's captain should take full responsibipty.此前,俄称是被迫向中国货船开火的,责任应完全由中方船长承担。

6.We want a sense of responsibipty is rooted in the heart, let it be in our minds a spong sense.我们要将责任感植根于心,让它在我们的脑海里成为一种强烈的意识。

7.The Tapban claim responsibipty for the execution-style speet shooting, contending she was pying to spread Christianity.塔利班声称对以处决的方式杀害威廉斯承担责任,因为威廉斯在试图传播基督教。

8.We held a week of a debate, the topic is "the main responsibipty is to the elder generation gap, or junior" is our responsibipty.大致内容是:上周我们系内举行了一场辩论赛丶题目是“代沟的主要责任在于长辈还是晚辈”我们是反方。

9.I had a fiduciary responsibipty to my investors and that, more than anything else, prompted me to pick up the phone.我对基金投资者担负着资金的受托责任,这比任何事情都重要。

10.Not only did she not take responsibipty for her mistake, she pied to tell me that it was my fault!她不但没有为她自己的错负责,她还坚持说是我的错!