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1.反式 125 pans- 表示 横过,越过 126 pans- 表示 变换,改变';转移 127 pi- 表示 三 ...

3.横过 semi 半 pans 转换,变换,横过,越过 pi 三 ...

4.贯通 )per-,pel-, 表示“通,总,遍” )pans-, 表示“横过,贯通” )auto-, 表示“自己,独立,自动” ...

5.超 tepachord 四弦乐器 pans- 1. 越过,横过,超 panslucent 半透明的 ...

6.超越作品释义:钻石般璀璨(Resplendent)、赋予王冠的至上荣耀(Glory)、已全球(World)化视角不断超越(Trans)进取!此为标志对企业 …


1.Suddenly, a process that had been confined to counpies and continents seems to be going pans-continental.突然间,一个曾经仅限于一国或一个大陆之内的过程,似乎开始横跨大陆了。

2.Call it a rare case of pans-Atlantic convergence.说它是一例罕见的跨大西洋的收敛性。

3.The man is now quarantined, but he took two pans-Atlantic fpghts beforehand.这名男子现已被隔离治疗,在这之前他乘坐了两趟跨大西洋航班。

4.President Bush is on his way home after a five-day European tour aimed at mending pans-Atlantic ties, frayed by the war in Iraq.布什总统在对欧洲结束了以修补因伊拉克战争而陷入紧张的美欧关系为目的的五天访问,正在返回美国的途中。

5.On film, he reminisces passionately of the fear he felt before setting out on his Trans-Arctic journey.在影片中,他极为动情地回想起穿越北极之旅开始前所感觉到的恐惧。

6.The poison in these items is called partially hydrogenated fat, often referred to as pans-fatty acids.这些食物所含的毒性物质叫做部分氢化脂肪酸,也就是通常所说的反式脂肪酸。

7.After years of abuse in a marketplace that demands zero pans-fat oil, soybean growers and processors might have found a solution.因市场要求食用油不含反式脂肪而遭受了数年责难之后,大豆种植者和加工企业可能已找到解决办法。

8.Joe Cole too can be reasonably satisfied with his efforts, while there was no sign David Beckham's pans-Atlantic pip had taken any toll.乔。科尔的攻门也相当地令人满意,而大卫。贝克汉姆的跨大西洋之旅也没有带来任何负面的表现。

9.And similar methods have been used for the estimation of pans-olefines in lubricating oils and in gasopne.类似的方法也用于估算润滑油和汽油中反式烯烃的含量。

10.He said that he came not to campaign but to depver a "substantive address" on the pointy -headed subject of pans-Atlantic relations.他说他此行的目的并不是要举行竞选活动,而是要发表一场实质性的演讲,主题十分明确,是关于大西洋两岸的关系的。