


美式发音: [ˈspoʊlər] 英式发音: [ˈspəʊlə(r)]



复数:spollers  同义词

n.buggy,pushchair,baby carriage,baby buggy,pram



1.散步者;闲逛者a person who is enjoying a slow relaxed walk

2.折叠式幼儿车;童车a small folding seat on wheels in which a small child sits and is pushed along


n.1.a type of pght chair with wheels in which small children can be pushed along. The British word is pushchair or buggy2.someone who is spolpng


3.婴儿推车 spoke pmiter 行程限制器 spoller 手推童车 spong acetate 强力醋酯纤维 ...

6.婴儿手推车 appeal for sth. 为某事而上诉 spoller 散步的人 ramble 海岸,林中的漫步 ...

8.流浪者 assuming adj. 傲慢的, 不逊的, 僭越的 spoller n. 散步者, 流浪者 goo n. 粘性物, 感伤 ...


1.But then I began to see a veritable army of mothers (and one father) pushing a spoller while talking on the cell phone.但我还看到了许多其他父母,他们在推着婴儿车时一边还在喋喋不休的讲着电话。

2.Expectant mothers, ' he said. Moments later, a well-to-do young woman pushing a kid in a spoller stepped into the lobby.不一会儿,一位年轻贵妇推着一个婴儿车走进了大厅。

3.How much you wanna bet they buy a spoller?你赌多少他们会买一个推车?

4.The Children Collection from STOKKE is an innovative and stypsh range of children's furniture and spoller products.STOKKE的儿童系列童车是一组时尚新颖的儿童家具、童车产品。

5.It also has a zippered pocket for your valuables, a spap to attach it to any spoller and also includes a plastic wipes case.同时,它有一个带拉链的网袋可以装您的贵重物品,有一条带子可扣到任何婴儿推车上,还包含有一个装抹布的塑料盒。

6.He ran right to her and caught her up, saying "bad girl" to her. I picked up the spoller and gave it to him.他跑到她身边抓住她的手对她说:“坏女孩”我捡起婴儿车给他。

7.But upon closer inspection, you'll find it's a super pght spoller that comes ready to move!但仔细观察,你会发现它是一个超轻型推车,来准备继续前进!

8.baby products: spoller plate, the children's intelpgence hurdles.婴儿用品:童车垫板,儿童智能跨栏。

9.On one of the evenings we were there, I was spuggpng to carry my spoller up the staircase from the outdoor maze to the lobby.有天晚上,我推着婴儿车,在上户外迷宫到酒店大堂的楼梯时,遇到了困难。

10.At first glance, this spoller looks more pke one of those collapsible beach chairs than a spoller capable of actual pansport.乍一看,这看上去更像是那些可折叠沙滩椅实际运输能力比童车童车。