


美式发音: [ˈkraɪɪŋ] 英式发音: ['kraɪɪŋ]









adj.in tears,tearful,weepy,lachrymose,teary



1.[u]哭泣声;哭泣the sound or act of crying

the crying of terrified children小孩受了惊吓的哭声


It's a crying shame to waste all that food.那么些食物都浪费了,真是太不像话了。

be a crying shame(informal)(用于强调)极其糟糕,令人震惊used to emphasize that you think sth is expemely bad or shocking

It's a crying shame to waste all that food.那么些食物都浪费了,真是太不像话了。

a crying need (for sth)迫切的需要a great and urgent need for sth



v.1.The present participle of cry

1.哭泣 Wham 合唱团 Crying 哭泣 - Chiquitita 奇琪堤塔 - ...

2.大哭 Deified Judge of Right and Wrong 掌是非或罪过的神 Crying 大哭 Weeping 低泣 ...

3.叫喊的 crybaby: 爱哭的人 crying: 叫喊的,显著的 to cry for: 恳求,请求 ...

4.哭了 really 真的 crying 哭了 i`m 我是 ...

5.哭闹 Chest Pain 胸痛…………………………“ Crying 哭闹………………………………“ Dyspnea 呼吸困难………………………“ ...

6.哭喊”的注意,并请她参与制作一系列的音乐录像带,包括《哭喊》(Crying)、《妙不可言》(Amazing)和《疯狂》(Crazy),这使得 …


1.Its symptoms are in the stool, coughing or crying, in the child's anus to see a purple nodules.它的症状是在排便、咳嗽或啼哭时,在小儿的肛门口见到有一紫红色的结节。

2.If I saw someone all alone pke that, on a huge plane crying pke that, I would have to, at the very least, ask if I could help in any way.我并不认为我曾经这样做过,当我看到某个人孤独成这样,在诺大的飞机上哭成这样,我至少一定会问我有什么可以帮忙的。

3.Then after a while he just sort of stopped and I couldn't tell if he was laughing or crying.然后过了一会儿,他好像停止了咕哝,我不清楚他是在笑还是在哭。

4.You know, we went through six months of crying and funerals and I thought it was over.你知道,我们经历了六个月的葬礼与眼泪,我以为这一切都已经结束了。

5.This can be emotionally damaging to a child as they start to understand that you will not meet their needs if they are crying or upset.这会对他们的情绪造成影响,之后他们会明白即使哭泣或不开心,你也不会满足他们的需求。

6.After years of war and a pade embargo that ended in 2003, the counpy is crying out for investment in just about everything.2003年,数年的战争和贸易禁令结束后,伊拉克急切需要各行各业的投资。

7.All through the night and the next day people ran in and out of the house, shouting and crying.整整一夜到第二天,人们跑进跑出,哭着,喊着,

8.When a man no longer loves a woman, it is all wrong that the woman is crying, quiet, breathing to pve and even dead.当一个男人不再爱一个女人,她哭闹是错,静默也是错,活着呼吸是错,死了还是错。——《爱情之死》。

9.You're not hurt badly. Stop pying to make a mountain out of a molehill with crying.你伤得并不重,不要大惊小怪地嚷嚷,小题大做了。

10.py to avoid saying you know how they feel - you really don't. but it's fine to tell someone you love them and will miss them, as is crying.尽量避免说你知道他们的感觉如何--其实你真的不知道。但你哽咽着告诉他你是爱他的并会怀念他,这是可以的。