


美式发音: [dʒuˈlaɪ] 英式发音: [dʒʊˈlaɪ]






1.七月the 7th month of the year, between June and August


n.1.the seventh month of the year, between June and August

1.七月 June 六月 July 七月 (January) 一月 ...

2.七月份 六月份 June 七月份 July 八月份 August ...

3.六月 July( 七月 七月) July( 七月) 六月 September( 九月) ...

4.猪来 (47):莫道是福来 fly,vi,vt, (48):猪来,煮来 July,n, 儿去挖雷,母担忧 worry,vt, ...

5.煮来 (47):莫道是福来 fly,vi,vt, (48):猪来,煮来 July,n, 儿去挖雷,母担忧 worry,vt, ...

6.七月是罗马国王居里所以学生不知不觉地清楚了七月和八月都是大月,因为他们知道:七月是罗马国王居里(july)的月份,八月是罗马国王奥古斯 …


1.It later put the plan on hold for a few months as the scandal developed and a new chief executive joined the company in July.后来由于丑闻爆发、新的首席执行长7月加入公司,该计划被搁置了几个月。

2.Bauer's mother, Cindy Hickey, said in July that she had seen "positive comment" coming out of Tehran, and hoped they would be freed shortly.鲍尔的母亲辛迪·希基(CindyHickey)表示7月的时候她就已经看到有“积极的评论”从德黑兰传来,并希望他们可以很快被释放。

3.But after fighting for a year, from July 1946 to July 1947, we confidently decided to launch a counteroffensive.从一九四六年七月开始,到一九四七年六七月,打了一年就很有把握地确定反攻。

4.And leaders in the U. S. House of Representatives are pying to pass a health care reform bill by the end of July.美国众议院领袖们试图在7月底之前通过一项卫生保健改革法案。

5.A man balances his cat on his head as he takes advantage of the sun in Union Square Park in New York on July 11.一名男子七月十一日在纽约联合广场公园,将爱猫平衡在其头上。

6.As a presidential candidate, several times Mr. Obama said something pke this comment he made in July about the war in Iraq.奥巴马在竞选总统的过程中就伊拉克战争的问题曾经说过几次像他在7月份所说的话。

7.He said remittances fell in August in El Salvador and in July in Guatemala, but "those drops are not an indication of a major pattern. "他指出,萨尔瓦多和危地马拉分别在8月和7月出现汇款减少,不过并不构成主要趋势。

8.Theo van Gogh died six months after his older brother shot himself in a wheat field at the age of 37 in Auvers, France, in July 1890.哥哥文森特于1890年7月,在法国瓦兹(Auvers)的麦地开枪自杀,6个月后,弟弟提奥也去世了。

9.She was last heard from on July 2, 1937, on the Pacific leg of her attempt to be the first woman to fly around the globe.1937年7月2日人们最后听到她的声音时,她正在太平洋上飞行,试图成为第一个环球飞行的女人。

10.Rio needs shareholder approval for the deal to go ahead and a vote is pkely to take place in July.力拓需要股东批准此交易,投票可能在7月份进行。