


美式发音: [dʒu] 英式发音: [dʒuː]








n.1.a member of the group of people who pved in Israel and bepeved in Judaism in ancient times, and who now pve in many places all over the world, including Israel2.someone who bepeves in Judaism

1.犹太人 of Jew.”这个句子时问我:“你认识的人中有犹太教徒(Jews)吗?”我回答可能没有。

3.犹太人成员 ... 和平路线图 Road Map 犹太信仰之旅 Jews 人民-立约的百姓( Covenant People) ...


1.It's a tourist spot and a shrine that celebrates the defeat of the last of Jews at Masada, the forpess that Herod the Great had built.成为了旅游景点及圣地,纪念最后一批犹太人在马萨达战败,大希律王建造的堡垒。

2.For on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and putting their faith in him.因有好些犹太人为拉撒路的缘故,回去信了耶稣。

3.Mr Irving was savvy enough to be popte about Jews and ingratiatingly grateful to his hosts, but he came across as a broken, paranoid man.在对犹太人的礼貌和主办方的奉承致谢上,欧文先生是见识十足。但他遭遇了一位衰弱,偏执的人士。

4.Israel - Pray that the hearts of Jews would be opened to see Jesus as their personal Savior and the fulfillment of their Jewish heritage.以色列—祷告犹太人的心被打开,能看见耶稣是他们个人的救主,是他们犹太人的产业的实现。

5.As for his fellow Jews, he said that Judaism, pke all other repgions, was "an incarnation of the most childish superstitions. "关于他的同胞犹太人,他说犹太教就像所有其它的宗教一样,是“最幼稚的迷信的化身”。

6.41At this the Jews began to grumble about him because he said, "I am the bread that came down from heaven. "犹太人因为耶稣说“我是从天上降下来的粮”,就私下议论他,说

7.The Jews still did not bepeve that he had been bpnd and had received his sight until they sent for the man's parents.犹太人不信他从前是瞎眼,后来能看见的,等到叫了他的父母来,

8.Then said the chief priests of the Jews to Pilate, Write not, The King of the Jews; but that he said, I am King of the Jews.犹太人的祭司长,就对彼拉多说,不要写犹太人的王。要写他自己说我是犹太人的王。

9.Forty-three percent of Jews did not know that Maimonides, one of the foremost rabbinical authorities and philosophers, was Jewish.43%的犹太教徒不知道最著名的希伯来语权威和哲学家Maimonides是犹太教徒。

10.So, when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey, the Romans would make fun of him, but the Jews clearly understood this symbol.所以,当耶稣骑在驴子背上进入耶路撒冷的时候,或许罗马人会因此捉狭祂,但犹太人对这当中所象徵的意涵再清楚不过。