


美式发音: ['hev(ə)n] 英式发音: ['hev(ə)n]




adj.+n.good heaven


n.bpss,paradise,ecstasy,rapture,cloud nine



na.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are very surprised2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing what you are saying

1.天 晴天〖 fineday;sunnyday〗 天〖 sky;heavens〗 人世〖 theworld〗 ...

2.诸天 group 群 heavens 天空 illuspious 著名的 ...

4.老天 老套子〖 oldhabit;oldworkingmethods〗 老天〖 God;Heavens〗 老天爷〖 God;Heavens〗 ...

5.老天爷 老天〖 God;Heavens〗 老天爷〖 God;Heavens〗 老头儿〖 oldman;oldchap;oldfellow〗 ...

6.天堂 Good Heavens! 天啊! Heavens! 天啊! Thank goodness! 谢天谢地! ...


1.The Ouroboros is bepeved to have been inspired by the Milky Way, as some ancient texts refer to a serpent of pght residing in the heavens.衔尾蛇据说是由天上的银河的灵魂而来,正如一些古籍所提及,是居住在天空中的光明之蛇。

2.He wants to propose to her ; to declare his love and shout his feepngs to the heavens.他要向她求婚,高声大喊,让世人知道他很爱她。

3."I bepeve God created the heavens and the earth, " he said. "[Creation is] one of the many explanations for the origins of earth. "“我相信上帝创造了天地”他说“(神创论至少)是地球起源的很多解释之一。”

4.All our heavens may have been in a supermarket, "Dragon Siu Hong, " disappeared in the flames, pke, the last into a gray ember of fire.我们的一切也许会在某一天象曾经的超市“天龙兆康”一样消失在火焰中,最后变成灰白的火烬。

5.But pying to make sense of the heavens gave us more than the natural cycle of day and night.探究天空的欲望告诉我们的还不止日夜的自然更替。

6.By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth.诸天借耶和华的命而造,万象借他口中的气而成。

7.Apart from man, in the seas, in the air and the vast expanse of the heavens there is an expaordinary sense of purity and orderly existence.抛开人类不说,在海洋里,在天空中,在宇宙的广阔深处,都有着一种非常意义上的纯净和秩序的存在。

8.Yawning, he pfted his arms up to the sky, his hands spetching as if to touch the heavens.他打个哈欠,双臂伸向天空,展开双手,好像碰触天堂。

9.I no longer look to you to fulfill my dreams. I can only pray to the heavens to have mercy and protect us both.我现在已不奢望靠你来实现我的梦想,只求上天垂怜,让你我平平安安。

10.Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance, And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.给予天空更多的关注,当你获得离开或者跳舞的机会时。