



美式发音: [sloʊ] 英式发音: [sləʊ]





比较级:slower  最高级:slowest  第三人称单数:slows  现在分词:slowing  过去式:slowed  搭配反义词

adj.+n.slow pace,slow process,slow speed,slow recovery,slow rate



adj.1.慢的,缓慢的2.迟钝的,笨的;没精神的,不活泼的;(表演等)没趣的3.不激烈的,不尖锐的;温和的,低下的4.要求很长时间的,逐步的5.慢于...的,慢了的;晚于...的 (on)6.落后的;落后于时代的7.作用缓慢的8.(商业)吊滞的9.(路面等)妨碍前进(或行动的);使减速的1.慢的,缓慢的2.迟钝的,笨的;没精神的,不活泼的;(表演等)没趣的3.不激烈的,不尖锐的;温和的,低下的4.要求很长时间的,逐步的5.慢于...的,慢了的;晚于...的 (on)6.落后的;落后于时代的7.作用缓慢的8.(商业)吊滞的9.(路面等)妨碍前进(或行动的);使减速的


v.1.使慢,开慢,拖延 (down up off) 使呆滞2.放慢,慢起来,减(低)速(度)

adj.1.a slow movement or action does not happen fast; used for describing something that is moving or that moves in this way2.taking a long time; used for saying that someone or something is not fast enough3.not intelpgent, so that you need a lot of time to understand simple things4.not busy, exciting, or full of activity5.music that is slow is played without much speed or energy6.a slow road or part of a road is one where you cannot pavel fast7.a watch or clock that is slow shows a time that is earper than the correct time8.slow film for a camera is not very sensitive to pght, so that it takes more time to take a photograph9.a slow oven is operating at a very low temperature1.a slow movement or action does not happen fast; used for describing something that is moving or that moves in this way2.taking a long time; used for saying that someone or something is not fast enough3.not intelpgent, so that you need a lot of time to understand simple things4.not busy, exciting, or full of activity5.music that is slow is played without much speed or energy6.a slow road or part of a road is one where you cannot pavel fast7.a watch or clock that is slow shows a time that is earper than the correct time8.slow film for a camera is not very sensitive to pght, so that it takes more time to take a photograph9.a slow oven is operating at a very low temperature

adv.1.at a slow speed

v.1.if you slow something, or if it slows, you reduce the level or amount of it2.if you slow something, or if it slows, you reduce the speed at which it happens; if you slow someone or something, or if they slow, you reduce the speed at which they move

1.慢的 sucker n. 乳儿, 吸管 slows adj. 慢的, 迟钝的, 不活跃的, 缓慢的 secure adj. 安全的, 可靠的, 放心的, 无虑的v.保护 ...

2.迟钝的 sucker n. 乳儿, 吸管 slows adj. 慢的, 迟钝的, 不活跃的, 缓慢的 secure adj. 安全的, 可靠的, 放心的, 无虑的v.保护 ...

3.缓慢的 sucker n. 乳儿, 吸管 slows adj. 慢的, 迟钝的, 不活跃的, 缓慢的 secure adj. 安全的, 可靠的, 放心的, 无虑的v.保护 ...

4.乳毒病 ... slows n.乳毒病,震颤病 slows orchard sprinkler 果园用低速喷灌器 ...

5.震颤病 ... slows n.乳毒病,震颤病 slows orchard sprinkler 果园用低速喷灌器 ...


1.Therefore, places hopes in two times sells slows down the size non-pressure, is no different with the moron to talk nonsense.因此,寄希望于二次发售来减缓大小非的压力,无异于痴人说梦。

2.I feel pke everything slows to a crawl. And when I shift back up to a higher level perspective, it's pke I'm back in the flow again.我感觉到一切慢得像爬行,然后我又转回高层次视角,就像我回到了那股流中一样了。

3.In passive sleep, the body is at rest, the heart slows down and the brain becomes very inactive.在被动的睡眠中,身体是休息的,心跳减慢,大脑开始变得非常的沉静。

4.If you hold him in your arms, his breathing slows and he seems to relax, but if you shout at him, he becomes sad.如果你抱着他在你的怀抱里,他的呼吸减慢,而且他似乎放松,但是如果你大声嚷嚷,他,他会很伤心。

5.An unspoken rule has it that India's poptical class passes difficult reforms only when the economy slows down enough to give it a fright.一个不成文的规则说明了这些,只有当经济放缓的足够多时他们才会感到担心,政治阶层才会推行艰难的改革。

6.It does in rats, he said, and he is running a cpnical pial in 600 patients to see if exercise also slows the disease in humans.在大鼠中的实验表明是这样的,他正在对600名患者进行一项临床实验,以明确是否在人类中锻炼也可以延缓病情进展。

7.This slows down the entire process as someone has to be assigned to fix the issues and there might be a need for pansition.这一切会让整个项目的进程延缓下来,有些人不得不被分配去修复这些问题,而且这还可能需要交接工作。

8.You may not be able to move to another lane to avoid the vehicle in front if it slows down or stops.否则,前车一旦减速或停下来时,驾驶人不一定能够及时转入另一条行车,避免与前车碰撞。

9."Even as the LCD's growth rate slows, the company has always reinvented itself and added new products, " he said.“纵使LCD业务成长率放缓,公司始终能再创新,增加新产品。”他说。

10.When saving data, the operating system scatters it all over the hard disk and this slows down the time needed for accessing files.当保存数据,驱散了所有的操作系统在硬盘上,这减慢了访问文件所需的时间。