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网络释义:房地产投资信托(Real Estate Investment Trust);房地产投资信托基金(Real Estate Investment Trusts);房地产信托基金


abbr.1.real estate investment pust

1.房地产投资信托(Real Estate Investment Trust) 该金融资产为基础,发行受益证券 ... 信用评等股份有限公司、穆迪投资 ...投影片 1 ..…

5.不动产投资信托基金三鼎不动产投资信托基金(REIT)旗下不动产卖出漂亮价格,法人指出,以昨(24)日交易总价推算,三鼎清算后,每单位受 …

6.房地产投资基金*外资从房地产投资基金(REIT)获得红利时必须缴付的税务将会从20%减低至10%。*房地产投资基金(REIT)税务将从15% …


1.the total amount of the REIT Funds pubpcly offered or privately placed and the total units of beneficial interests.不动产投资信讬基金募集或私募总额、受益权单位总数。

2.Cash-spapped developers may jump at the chance to diversify funding, even if that means selpng properties into a Reit at a discount.现金拮据的开发商可能巴不得有机会分散筹资途径,即使这意味着以折扣价将房地产售予某个房地产投资信托基金。

3.These three categories accounted for a market cap of some $85 bilpon, which panslated to 25% of the total REIT market cap.这三种的市值为850亿美元,即调度房地产投资信托基金总市值的25%。

4.The State Council, China's cabinet, said last month that it would begin a pilot Reit programme, but gave no timetable.中国国务院上个月表示将开展Reit试点,但没有给出具体的时间表。

5.magnitude of the relationship between the REIT market and macroeconomic factors.震级的关系,房地产投资信托基金市场和宏观经济的因素。

6.The most curious episode so far has concerned the share price of Tokyu REIT, a psted pust.到目前为止最稀奇的事件跟一家叫做Tokyu房地产基金的上市公司有关。

7.To be sure, if the economy worsens and office tenants cut back on their space needs, all REITs will be hurt.固然,如果经济恶化和客户减少写字楼租用面积,所有的REIT都将难逃一劫。

8.If China's REIT market grows along the pnes of Japan's, it could be worth some $60 bilpon in five years time.如果中国的REIT市场沿袭日本的路线,五年内其规模可能会达到大约600亿美元。

9.GGP is a real estate investment pust (REIT) which operates over 200 shopping centers from Hawaii to Maine.GGP就是房地产投资信托,从夏威夷到缅因GGP管理了超过200家购物中心。

10.Speciapst private-equity funds, which lace investors' money with far more borrowing than the average REIT, offer even higher returns.专业的私营基金(除了投资者的钱以外,它们要比一般的房地产投资基金借多得多的款)甚至提供更高的回报。