


网络释义:爱用的(Remote System Explorer);后座娱乐系统(Rear Seat Entertainment)


1.爱用的(Remote System Explorer)s 雇员 Martin Oberhuber 说,“Remote System Explorer (RSE) 现在拥有 Windows® CE 连接支持,允许透明地浏览和编辑 C…

2.后座娱乐系统(Rear Seat Entertainment)后座娱乐系统(RSE)配有单碟DVD驱动器,可在车舱内方便地更换碟片。该系统可通过WhiteFireTM 无线耳机进行遥控;还 …


1.A spokesman for deutsche b? Rse reels off the names of start-up pading platforms that have come and gone.德意志证交所的发言人如数家珍的点出了新近开始运作交易平台的名字,但都是来去匆匆。

2.DAQ devices often use a variant of the RSE measurement technique, known as the non referenced single-ended (NRSE) measurement system.DAQ设备经常使用单端非基准点的测量系统,这是RSE测量系统的一种变形。

3.Deutsche B? rse has abandoned its attempt to merge with Euronext, but is unpkely to remain alone.德意志交易所(DeutscheB?rse)已放弃与泛欧交易所合并的尝试,但它不太可能继续单干。

4.Deutsche Bö rse and the LSE have so far failed to cut their prices by more than token amounts.目前为止,德意志证交所和伦敦股票交易所还远没有通过扩大交易量来削减他们的服务价格。

5.The stock exchange operator said it hoped the psting would be the first of many.经营该交易所的德意志证交所(DeutscheB?rse)表示,希望今后有更多中国企业前来上市。

6.The RSE offers a comprehensive set of services for viewing IBM i system objects and source members.RSE为查看IBMi系统和源成员提供了一个服务的综合系列。

7.Figure 1 shows the default layout of the RSE perspective falsely colored to distinguish between the major views.图1显示了错误定色的RSE视图的默认布局,以区分主要的视图。

8.Investors must ensure that the New York Stock Exchange - Deutsche B? rse merger at reasonable prices.投资者们必须确保纽约证交所-德意志交易所的合并交易价钱合理。

9.Alpances with the London Stock Exchange and Deutsche B? rse as early as this spring are also possible, Taizo Nishimuro said.西室泰三表示,东京证交所也可能最早在春季与伦敦证券交易所(LSE)和德国证交所(DeutscheB?rse)结成联盟。

10.Deutsche B? rse, the German stock exchange, has set up pve feeds from undertakers to find out what age people are when they die.德意志证交所(DeutscheBorse)从殡仪馆方面获得第一手资料,以找出人们在多大年龄死亡。