




1.他爱她 ... I love him. 我爱他。 He loves her. 他爱她。 You love me. 你爱我。 ...

2.主动语态 ... 主动语态 he loves her 被动语态 he was hit by a rock on the head ...

3.他爱上她 ... (= He loves her. 他爱上她。) She has finished her homework. 她已做完她的功课。 ...

4.玛丽喜欢音乐 ... 玛丽喜欢音乐。 玛丽喜欢音乐。 玛丽喜欢音乐 He loves her. 他爱她。 他爱她。 他爱她 I want to get your help…


1.I mean, if he loves her, why just tell her and ask her to stay, then you guys can kiss?我的意思是,如果他爱她,为什么不告诉她,请她留下来,然后再吻呢?

2.Jerry always tells Laura how much he loves her, but when he has any chance, he never hesitates to cheat on her.Jerry总是口口声声告诉Laura他有多爱她,可是他一旦有机会,毫不犹豫就会去做对不起她的事情。

3.He had tattooed the name "Marlene" on his upper arm to show how much he loves her.他将“玛琳”这个名字刺在臂的上方,来表达他的爱。

4.He's decided to invite her over, and tell her how much he loves her and maybe propose.他已经决定邀请她过来吃饭,告诉她他是多么爱她,或许还要求婚。

5.to tell Kyoko how much he loves her. After five minutes, Tsuna goes back to normal.突然,他的神通,让他跑尖叫告诉恭子,他是多么爱她克服。

6.Jesus knows all this, yet he loves her deeply and reaches out to her.耶稣知道这一切,但是祂仍然深爱她,主动接触她。

7.He loves her not so much for herself as as for her money.他爱她的钱,不是她本人。

8.he express his feepng for her many times that he loves her and cannot pve without her.他多次在春香面前表达他的爱意,没有她无法生活。

9.Vic has been engaged to Laura for a long time now, and I know that he loves her. He should take bull by the horns and ask her to marry him.斐克和萝拉订婚已有好长一段时间,我也知道他爱她,他实在应该勇敢地向她求婚。

10.He loves her but he is not sure he is ready to settle down and have a family.他很爱她,但是他自己也不清楚他现在是否做好了安家立业的准备。