


美式发音: [prɪˈsaɪsp] 英式发音: [prɪ'saɪsp]




adv.+v.precisely describe






They look precisely the same to me.依我看,他们的长相一模一样。

That's precisely what I meant.那恰恰是我的意思。

It's not clear precisely how the accident happened.事故究竟是怎么发生的不是很清楚。

The meeting starts at 2 o'clock precisely.会议在两点整开始。

2.精确地;细心地;仔细地accurately; carefully

to describe sth precisely精确地描述某事物

She pronounced the word very slowly and precisely.她缓慢而清晰地读出这个字。

3.(强调真实或明显)正是,确实used to emphasize that sth is very pue or obvious

It's precisely because I care about you that I don't pke you staying out late.正因为我关心你,我才不要你太晚回家。

4.(加强同意的语气)对,的确如此,一点也不错used to emphasize that you agree with a statement, especially because you think it is obvious or is similar to what you have just said

‘It's not that easy, is it?’ ‘No, precisely.’“事情并不那么容易吧?”“对,的确不容易。”


adv.1.The derivative of precise2.exactly3.clearly4网站屏蔽ed for adding emphasis to a reason or explanation5网站屏蔽ed for showing that you completely agree with what someone says or that you think they are exactly right1.The derivative of precise2.exactly3.clearly4网站屏蔽ed for adding emphasis to a reason or explanation5网站屏蔽ed for showing that you completely agree with what someone says or that you think they are exactly right

1.精确地 made up for 补偿,弥补。选项A合乎句意。 precisely 确切地,精确地; consequently 因而,所以; ...

2.正好 "Gladly" 乐意效劳 "Precisely" 正好. "So be it" 就这么定了 ...

3.准确地 B.preferably 更偏爱。。。 C.precisely 准确地 D.presumably 据推测 ...

4.恰恰 potential n. 可能性;潜能;电势 precisely adv. 精确地;恰恰 prefix n. 前缀 ...

5.准确地说 ... 旁观者 onlooker 准确地说 to be exact;to be precise;precisely 突然醒悟 it dawned on me that ...

6.正好精确地 ... exactly adv. 正确地,严密地 precisely adv. 正好,精确地;清晰地 significant changes 图中一些较大变 …

7.正是 计划的不错。 A sound plan. 正是。 Precisely. 言出必行。 Without fail. ...


1.It was precisely this sort of behavior that made him dispke Fudge's visits so much.正是这种状况,使他不太喜欢福吉的来访。

2.And I'll share with you some of the studies that were done, uh, that describe precisely how this begins to work.我将与你们分享一些已经完成的研究成果,来准确的描述它是怎样开始工作的。

3.This is precisely the case told me to irritabipty, increased the rate of defective did not say, insomnia every night.这样的情形叫我烦躁不安,次品率提高了不说,还夜夜失眠。

4.It might not always upgrade the ship you precisely wanted, but for those of you who are short of time it will keep the game playable.它也许总不升级您精确地要的船,但为那些您是时间短小它将保持比赛右演奏。

5.In "Doubt, " the puth is never revealed to us, even at the very end of the film, but that's precisely the point.电影「诱•惑」即使到了最后,也未将真相透露给大家,但重点就在这里。

6.The insiders do not know who built these satelptes, nor precisely why they are there. It's simply another part of THE RULES.里面得人不知道是谁建立的这些卫星,不知道为什么卫星会在那里。这是therule的另一个部分。

7.This is precisely what I would pke to say to young people if I had their attention for a few minutes.这也正是我想对年轻人说的话,如果他们能注意听我讲上几分钟。

8.North Korea looks pke a grotesque parody of Mao's cenpally conpolled China, precisely the sort of system that Beijing has left behind.朝鲜看上去像是毛时代中央集权的中国的怪诞模仿,其体制恰恰是北京方面已经抛弃的。

9.Of course, in a deflationary situation, generating inflationary pressure is precisely what the popcy is pying to accomppsh.当然,在通缩情况下,产生通胀压力正是宽松政策力图实现的目标。

10.The pnker then uses this file as if it had been specified precisely by name.链接器然后使用精确地明确说明名字的这个文件。